Chapter 18

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The following morning, Evelyn woke up in the strong protective arms of Thranduil. He was still as warm as he was the previous night. It was as if the cold didn't bother him at all.

She looked up at him. He was still sleeping. Evelyn noticed how handsome he was. As if he was carved from stone by the most marvelous sculptors  in Middle Earth.

His jawline was as sharp as blades and his cheekbones were rather ravishing. Evelyn felt a bit odd knowing that even though he was sleeping, his grip was tight around her waist. To her it was nice knowing someone was at least protective over her. It made her feel somewhat of importance to someone. And that someone was him.

A little while later, she felt him stir in his sleep. Thranduil shifted towards Evelyn, pulling her closer to him. He was awake and he could feel her smiling against his chest.

"Good morning Evelyn." Thranduil said looking down at her

"Morning." Her smile made Thranduil's day a million times better

He tucked the loose strands of hair behind Evelyn's ear. And he cupped he cheek, to him, she was an angel.

The sun seeped through the curtains, and rays of sunlight washed over the two as they lay comfortably in bed.

But then there was a knock at the door. Both of them bolted upward, none of them spoke a word.

"Yes?" Evelyn called

"Evelyn I was wondering if you were able to speak at his time. If not we can speak later."

"Yes just one moment My Lord!" 

Evelyn flew out of bed and scurried over to her wardrobe. She quickly slipped on a green skin tight gown over her undergarments. And she yanked a comb through her tangles.

Thranduil watched at how quickly she moved. The dress looked lovely on her. It made every single curve stand out. Evelyn truly was the definition of beautiful.

"I'll see you when I return." She whispered before slipping out the door. Thranduil nodded, lying back on the bed.

When she stepped out, Oropher was outside waiting.

"Good morning My Lord." She bowed on respect. He tilted his head in return

"Good morning  Evelyn."

"What was is you wanted to speak to me about?"

"I was getting there, but we can't speak here."

There was something wrong. Evelyn could feel it. There was something he knew and it wasn't good. She was able to tell the difference between good news and bad news, just by the body language.

Oropher wasn't sure if she was ready to hear what he was going to say. And if he felt that way when they got to the garden, then he'd have to tell her something completely different. Not just for her sake, but for Thranduil's.

They made their way to the garden and they both stood in by the small pond. He wasn't sure if she was ready to know. He wasn't going to tell her after all.

"Evelyn..I wanted to know if maybe you'd be interested in learning to fight. With daggers, swords, and bows."

"Like your warriors!?" She said excitingly

"Yes and maybe my son can show you his techniques."

"Yes My Lord! I'd be very interested!"

"Are you already familiar with fighting?"

"Familiar with fighting  yes, but fighting like your"

"Then you'll learn to fight like one of my men."

"Yes My Lord I'd be honored!" She does bowing. "When do we start?"

"This afternoon of you'd like."

"Yes that's a great time. I'll be there."

"Good, I'll see you then."

"Are you going to train me or are one of your men going to?"

"Thranduil will teach you all you need to know about fighting like one of my men. He's completed his training. I'm sure he'll help you complete yours." Oropher smiled, Evelyn nodded.

"Thank you my lord!" Evelyn turned on her heels and ran all the way to and through the palace. All the way up to her room.

When she got there Thranduil was already up and dressed. He had been looking at some papers on Evelyn's desk. They were her drawings.

Evelyn drew. A lot. Of all sorts of things. The roses in the garden, the designs carved into the walls. Thranduil picked up one sheet of paper that had a pair of eyes drawn on it. There were many sets of eyes all expressing different emotions. But they were all the same pair of sparkling blue eyes. They were Thranduil's.

"What are these?" He asked amazed by her talents. He knew right away that they were his eyes, but he never knew how talented she was.

"Just sketches." She looked down at her feet, blushing. She didn't think her art would be of such importance.

"They're amazing. Where'd you learn to draw like this?"

"Nowhere actually. I just kind of started and never stopped."

He looked at Evelyn and thought about how wonderful it was that he came across her in time. She had a beautiful soul that deserves endless love and affection.

Thranduil walked up to her, embracing her in his arms. And the two stood there for a while, just enjoying each other's warmth.

"What did my father speak to you about?"

"He wanted to know if I'd be interested in learning how to fight."

"Like his men?"

"Yes and he said you'd be the one to teach me!"

"I dont know Evelyn. I know you know how to fight and everything. But learning to fight like his men isn't easy."

"Of corse its not going to be easy. But I need to learn everything I can about this place. Like to fight all the evil creatures that lurk in the shadows."

"You have a point, but what if there's a war or a battle between another army? He'll make you fight."

"Of corse he would. I mean I must fight for him. He's the King and one my saviors. I do anything for my saviors.."

He looked down at her. How happy she was to serve him and his father. He felt terrible though. Thranduil knew that if there would ever be a war, she'd be in it. And he didn't want that. He wanted Evelyn to be safe forever.

"I know you would. Just promise me that you'll  always be careful."

"I promise.." Evelyn was ready to learn and it was going. To start today.

Thranduil knew that his father would make him teach Evelyn. She wanted to learn and that was great and all, it's just dangerous. He didn't want to see Evelyn hurt. It was bad enough seeing her damaged by her own hand, seeing her damaged by another...well then Thranduil would have to kill them.

Evelyn still thought about how Oropher had looked when she left the room. He looked sad. What he told her was defiantly not what he was going say. He must've changed his mind when he decided to tell her. It bothered her, but she wasn't going to say anything. Not yet at least.

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