Chapter 5

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The morning finally came. Everything seemed as it should be. All except for a particular pair of elves who should have been awake hours ago.

Thranduil was fast asleep with his head rested on his chin. And as for Evelyn, well she was about to wake up to something very unexpected.

Evelyn began to stir, she could tell it was morning by the way footsteps echoed in the halls. She hadn't yet opened her eyes, but she smelled something unfamiliar. She sniffled, taking in the pine scent. Her lips formed a smile at how nice it smelled. She opened her eyes to find that she was wearing a new robe. She inhaled its godly scent before realizing...she wasn't the only one in the room.

Her heart stopped when she saw who was sitting in the chair beside her. The Prince!? What was he doing here? She furrowed her brows in confusion and looked back up at him.

"Thranduil???" She mumbled, concealing her face behind the robe.

Thranduil opened his eyes slightly before blinking a couple times and rubbing them.

"'re do you feel?" He asked rather concerned. She didn't answer, she only hid her face more. "Evelyn....why are you hiding? Please speak to me." He pushed her hands out of the way so he could see her, but then realized she was crying. "Evelyn! Why are you in tears? Are you in pain?"

"Did....di..did...h..he" She sobbed. Thranduil have her a confused look.

"Evelyn....nobody hurt me...Im completely fine." She sat up and whipped her tears

"He wasn't upset? Father...he wasn't upset about me falling out of the tree?"

"He doesn't know.." he said simply

"He doesn't? Then how...?" She looked down at the robe and around the room. She had wondered how she changed clothing and why she smelled of vanilla.

Thranduil looked down at his feet. He couldn't help but think about the events of yesterday. He felt heroic taking care of Evelyn all by himself. But he didn't want to say anything....he didn't want to scare her.

"I asked one of the maids to cleanse you and I just gave them my robe because I thought you'd like it." He said the last part honesty

"Oh...alright then...thank you for letting me borrow it." she mumbled

Thranduil felt a bit special knowing that he was on Evelyn's mind when she woke up. But he felt bad because he was the reason she was crying.

She looked at her wrists. Noticing they were bandaged up, she slid the sleeves down so that he couldn't see. But she had no idea that Thranduil had already seen them.

"You promise you're not hurt..?"

"Evelyn...Im fine...." he reassured her, walking over and sitting next to her on the bed. He wanted to confront her about her cuts, but she was already upset enough.

"How long have I been out??" She asked rubbing the back of her head.

"Not long...a few hours maybe." It was late when the maids told me you had fallen asleep." He lied. She nodded, getting up.

Evelyn felt surprisingly fine when she stood up. Thranduil rushed to her side, just incase she would fall. She glared at him, which made him step back. She had put the puzzle pieces together. The story he had told her, wasn't the truth. She knew the maids in the castle and for sure she knew they couldn't keep their mouths shut. They would have told her father if she was hurt. Quickly,she sprinted to the bathroom,slamming the door shut and locking it. Thranduil instantly, tried to jump in front of the door, but got a door slammed in his face.

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