Chapter 36

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Although Evelyn was crowned Queen of Mirkwood, the bond between her and Thranduil only grew as the weeks went by.

Of course Thranduil would have meetings to attend, he insisted that Evelyn didn't need to go. So she would walk about the castle and keep herself occupied.

The kingdom had changed so much. The atmosphere seemed different somehow. The citizens' spirits were lifted. They were all so happy and cheerful.

The royal families sent Thranduil and Evelyn gifts like tapestries, paintings and books. They heard from Thranduil that she liked to read. Which was true.

While Thranduil spent hours in the council room, she would walk off to the library to read about literally anything. Evelyn pretty much read every single story in the library at least a few times. She enjoyed every adventure she picked up. Sometimes Thranduil would find her asleep in one of the chairs with a book in her hand. And when she grew tried of reading, she'd go to the art room to paint.

Oropher had left over supplies from when he was king. He'd have him and his family go down there so they could be painted. There's a huge portrait of Oropher and Thranduil in the great halls. Evelyn always wondered why his wife wasn't in most of the paintings. The paintings that she was in, it was just her and Thranduil? She felt rude just asking where his mother was, so she kept quiet.

Some of the artists demonstrated some techniques to Evelyn. She caught on fast, learning how to paint will all the beautiful colors.

Most days she'd go down to stables just to be with Deppson. Maybe braid his hair or brush his coat or even give him a bath.

But it was this particular day when Thranduil decided to help out. Would he really help though?


Evelyn was going to give Deppson a bath, so she filled the buckets with water and dumped some soap in. Gathering a few rags, she dropped them in the water to soak.

"You're going to wash him all by yourself?" A voice interrupted

"Well, someone's got to. Look how filthy he is."

"You know my love, you can have someone clean him for you."

"I know, but he's my horse and my responsibility." She said beginning to scrub his coat

"At least let me help you." She smiled and for a while they stayed silent

"I've been hearing whispers about your wonderful artwork." Thranduil said looking over at her, she blushed a bit. She didn't really think her artwork was wonderful.

"I wouldn't say it's wonderful, but it's quite nice."

"The painting with the two of us is my favorite." She blushed even harder, she didn't really want him to see it yet. "Did you paint it by visual memory?"

"Uh was something stuck in my mind for a very long time. It turned out better than expected."

"What are you talking about!? It was beautiful."

"Stop that, it can't possibly be that appealing."

"No I'm serious, you should really consider becoming an artist. You'll be know throughout Middle Earth!"

"Maybe some day."

"Some day soon?" He began walking around Deppson and picking up a bucket. Though Evelyn was so concentrated, she didn't even notice.

"Some day."

"You know there are so many things waiting for you in the future. Somethings you'll never even expect." Thranduil was behind her now, holding up the bucket over her head.

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