Chapter 3

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It was before day break and the sun hadn't even begun to rise yet, but there was an certain elleth that just so happened to be awake. Quickly, but quietly Evelyn began to start her early day. Today she was going to ride to the edge of the island and watch the sunrise. It was basically one of her favorite things to do.

She wanted to make it before the sky turned light blue. Sitting up, she turned her head and stared outside the window, it was sill pitch black out there. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she felt a slight pain in her leg. Then she remembered..her leg...All the thoughts of last night began to return to he looked at her, how he cared for he made her chest beat a thousand times a second. She remembered all of it.

Slowly, she stood up and took a few small steps. The pain went away almost as a fast as it started. Feeling able to walk, she reached for her cloak and started for the door. But before she could leave, she heard the soft coo from Featä, who was as obedient as ever. She never went anywhere, unless Evelyn asked her to.

"Of course you can come.." she smiled, waving her beautiful friend over. As asked, Featä flew swiftly past the door and the two traveled through the hall and down the stairs.

Making her way through the vast halls of the palace, she passed a couple of guards who were sleeping on the job. She knew she couldn't blame them, but she was going to use this to her advantage.

"Ahem." she cleared her throat and the guard jumped, pointing his sword at her.

"Princess!" he gasped, instantly putting his sword down and bowing in respect.

"I wont tell my father about this...if you promise to tell no one where I'm going and that I've gone."

"You know I can't do that my Lady.." she rolled her eyes and sighed, growing more impatient by the second. The sun was about to rise...he needed to hurry

"I'm not going to leave the island!" The guard didn't answer and she was tired of waiting, so she just left him without making him promise.

She made her way outside and to the stables. The huge door creaked as she slowly pushed it open. She whistled for her horse, but there was a slight problem...he never came..Someone had closed his stall door and locked it. Normally Deppson could open the door on his own. Wasting time yet again, she jogged to the end of the stables, where the largest stall was.

"psst! Deppson!" she answer. She stood at the door of his stall and she couldn't quite see through the stall, it was too dark. Though she did hear a rather distressed horse from across the hall. "Oh deppson, who locked you inside your stall?" she slid the door open and out stormed horns with razor hooves, it snorted and reared. And there was a huge BAM! She whipped her head around and out came Deppson rearing at the beast, coming to Evelyn's defense. He stomped and threw his head back. "Deppson!! woah woah !! Easy boy!!!" she tried and calming her horse. He stood his ground, putting his strong body between her and the beast.

She stroked his nose and wrapped her arms around his neck until he was calm. Then she lit a lantern that was hanging on the wall. Holding it up near the beast, she finally realized what it was. It wasn't a beast at all. It was just and elk...a pretty big one too. Evelyn laughed on the inside, knowing now that it was just an elk and not some scary beast. But where did it come from, there weren't any elk arounf these parts. She stepped away from Deppson, extending her hand out to the elk. But Deppson felt otherwise, he bit the end of Evelyn's braid, refusing to let her go any further.

"Deppson!" she hissed in pain, as he tugged on her hair. "Let me go!" he had to listen "Deppson!" he eventually let go and she took a step towards the elk. "Its alright...uh..." she looked at his bridle and there, written in gold was his name. "Terron. What a lovely name. I'm Evelyn." The elk let her stoke his muzzle..he was so fuzzy. Poor Deppson snorted and stomped in jealousy.

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