Chapter 27

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Thranduil grabbed Evelyn by the wrist and the two ran back towards the palace. When they got there, everyone was panicking and screaming. Thranduil needed to find his father and make sure he was alright. Weaving through the crowds, Evelyn could see that some people had arrows sticking out of their bodies. Thranduil could see them too, and that only made him run even quicker.

They started at his throne, Oropher was last seen there. But when they arrived, he was missing. That's when Thranduil started to worry. He needed to find out what kind of invasion this was.

One of the guards walked up to Thranduil and explained to him that this was an ambush. An ambush by a pack of orcs. Evelyn could tell that he was worried, for his grip on her wrist tightened.

"An orc ambush?"

"Yes My Lord."

"Where's my father?"

"He was last seen, leading the head of the guard towards the gates."

Thranduil's heart dropped. His father had fought furious battles before, but that was decades ago. He was much older now and would require his son's assistance. He gave a long thought...he would go and fight alongside his father.

"Please escort Evelyn to her chambers, make sure she's safe and well, I'm goging to join my father, he'll need me."

"Thranduil..." Evelyn said in protest

"I must go out there, he'll die if I don't.." Evelyn understood. She loved Oropher like a father, and she wanted him safe aswell

"Promise you'll return to me..."

Evelyn knew he couldn't promise something like that. Battles are unpredictable. But she said it anyway.

"I love you Evelyn." he said remvoing his robe and draping it over her shoulders. He was about to leave, but he turned round. And ever so slightly he pressed his lip against hers. He wanted to remeber what it felt like, incase he wasn't able to return. The guards called him over, and he unsheathed his sword, walking towards the gate.

"Come My Lady, we must get you to your chambers right away!"

The guard brought her all the up to her room, and shut the door behind him. He would stay with her the entire time.

Evelyn felt like crying. She wanted Thranduil to be with her to stop her trembles. Her worst fear felt like it was coming true. The robe, had his woodly scent and it felt ike he was there, but there was no warmth. She looked down at the ring, it shimered from every angle.

"Congratulations, It's beautiful..." the guard said, making Evelyn look up

"Yes..Thank you..." she sniffled

"He will return...he's very strong."

"I hope you're right.." she paused, she didn't even know his name

"Bailey.." he was one of the human guards...but he was nothing like Logan

"That's a nice name.." Evelyn smiled

"You know he's been talking about marrying you for ages now.." that made her cheeks warm up


"He may not have chosen to at the best time, but I'm glad he did."

"Me too." The thought of Thranduil made her want to cry more, it only brought up the reality that he wasn't there with her. "I'm scared...of the possibitliy that he won't come back.."

"Don't think that way My Lady, Lord Thranduil will return, all in good time."

"What is even going on out there?"

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