Chapter 13

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Evelyn's POV

I needed a ride, some time to clear my mind. Ever since I woke up, I couldn't shake last night from my mind. Yea he probably just stayed with me because we're friends and thats what friends do for each other. We've had our moments. Nothing to big or of great significance but, I can't help but feel like it's more. All I needed was to think for a moment.

Saddling up Deppson, and hopping on, we were going to stride out of the stables, but a familiar voice stopped us.

"Where are you planning on going Evelyn?" King Oropher chuckled, riding into the stables on his elk

"I was just going to take Deppson out for a ride before dark." I said half lying. There was no way I was going to stay out at night.

"You're going to get yourself helplessly lost child."

I fidgeted in my saddle. He was right. I didn't know this place. This wasnt home. Never came across my mind that I'd get  lost. Not until now at least.

"Here, take Thranduil with you, for he knows the way." He said looking over his shoulder at his son, who was also riding in on his elk.

"I heard my name?" He chimed in

"You'll be accompanying Evelyn on her rode this evening." Oropher said putting his elk away and leaving the stables. Leaving me and Thranduil.

The one time I needed to clear my mind, I get stuck with the one person who's been on my mind all day. Spending time with Thranduil is great, don't get me wrong, but I needed to take a moment. Although Oropher was right. I would surely get lost without him.

"Where are we headed?" I heard Thranduil ask, but I must've zoned out because I didn't hear him

"Excuse me?" He smiled and chuckled

"I asked where we were heading."

"Oh! Um....I'm not quite sure."

"And you were planning on leaving on your own?"  I sighed, looking down

"I needed some time to think." I said honestly

"Think about what?"

"Everything." I said trying not to sound too irritated or sad.

"Well, I've got the perfect place for that." He smiled, turning his elk the other way, he nodded his head towards me. "Come on, I'll show you."

To be completely honest, I couldn't wait to explore the wonders of Mirkwood. It's beauty awaited me.


The two of the rode for a while, both horses walking at equal paces. None of them tried to converse, not even looking at each other. Well, Thranduil every now and then snuck peeks at her, but she was so deep in thought that she didn't even notice.

Evelyn had been thinking about last night. How he held her close, in the most comforting way. She could still feel the warmth of his body. And even though they weren't talking, she could still hear his soothing voice. He protected her from the darkness that consumed her heart. Like a light in the dark, almost how moths are attracted to flames.

But the moth would be corrupted by the flame, it would die in the flames. It made Evelyn feel like she was taking this whole thing the wrong way. Like she was the moth and Thranduil was the flame. She would be pulled in by his flame and then burn to ashes.

It didn't sound like something that he would do. Especially to her. It wasn't like him at all. Maybe he wouldn't, but there as that possibility that he would. And Evelyn wasn't sure if she would take that chance.

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