Chapter 37

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They feasted well that night. So well, that they fell asleep right after. They ate so much, their stomachs must've grown three sizes. Everything was just swell...but not for long...

*+Later That Night+*

Evelyn's POV

We went to sleep so soundly. I literally ate like a cow, which probably wasn't the best idea for someone who doesn't eat a whole lot.

But into the middle of the night, something woke me up. I twisted and turned and finally, I opened my eyes. Something was off, I began to sweat and get really nervous. So I took deep breaths and calmed myself down, hoping to fall back asleep. For a while, my body relaxed..but then the eerie feeling returned. It felt like someone was stirring my insides in a boiling pot. My body bolted up and I slapped my hand over my mouth. Flying off the bed, I ran to the bathroom and leaned over to the toilet. The sensation was horrible, vomiting all the things I ate. Tasted terrible, I kneeled there for about ten minuets just emptying my system. And even though I wasn't sad, tears still poured out of my eyes, so I had to keep whipping them.

I heard footsteps from outside, approach the bathroom door.


"Stay away from me, I could be contagious." I warned

"Are you alright?" He asked walking over to me and rubbing my back

"Ya, I think I ate too much, that's all."

"Well then come back to bed and I'll bring you some-"

"Wait never mind!" I leaned over the toilet again, throwing up even more. He pulled my hair back and rubbed my shoulders.

"Evelyn...I think we should get you to the healers. They'll be able to see what wrong with you. There's a number of things that could be wrong with you." He said nervously, of course I caught on to it

"It's fine, don't worry. Maybe it's food poisoning. And maybe I'm just full. Or I didn't agree with it."


"What?" I looked up at him and he was staring down...right at my stomach. Oh no....

"I think that maybe..."

"Oh you really think that I could be...?"

"It's a possibility." He smiled

I sniffled a bit, walking over to the full length mirror. Pulling off my gown and lifting up my undergarments, I rubbed my stomach. I was getting a bit could I not notice?

Thranduil left to get a healer and told me to stay put. I couldn't believe that I was actually probably pregnant. It was so great, but so terrifying at the same time. There was a growing thing inside of me and it was alive. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. So many things were going through my head.

He returned shortly after with the healer. She walked over to me, examining my abdominal area. And she confirmed that I was in fact pregnant. Thranduil seemed joyous, but I was scared. I tried my best to cover it up.

"This is wonderful! Evelyn, we're going to have a child!" He ran up to me, picking me up and spinning me around

"'s quite surprising..."

"You don't sound too thrilled."

"Thranduil...." I paused

"Do you feel like you need to vomit?" He asked worriedly

"I'm going to be a mother."

"And I'm going to be a father! We're going to be parents!"

"Thranduil...I'm scared. What if I'm not a great enough mother. What if our child doesn't like it here. What if I don't make it through labor?"

" can't think like that...I don't even want to think like that."

"It's hard not to think like that when you're the one carrying a child." I began to tear up

"Evelyn please don't cry, stress is bad for the child."

"Stressed? I'm beyond stressed. I'm completely shaken! There's a living thing inside of me!'s going to get bigger! It's going to come out of me and...and it's going to hurt more than anything! It's terrifying!" I sobbed

"Evelyn please...don't cry, I'm here for you."

He sat on the floor with me as I cried into his chest. He held me close to him, never letting me go. I ended up falling asleep on the ground, so he picked me up and brought me to bed.


Thranduil was supposed to go to a meeting the next morning. But he cancelled the meeting because of me. He wanted to be with me, but I really just wanted to be alone. I needed time to think this through.

I woke up, and he was there holding my hand.

"Good morning Love."


"Can I get you anything?" I sat upright in bed and looked down at him

"Thranduil, I know this whole pregnancy is much to take in for the both of us, but I need both of us to be strong here. Obviously I'm a weeping child on the floor and yes I need to cry less. But you can't let the kingdom fall, especially not because of something like me. You must attend to those meetings. You think I don't know how important they actually are, but I know."

" need to be cared for."

"Then let someone else take care of me. If I can't be the Queen in this Kingdom, then you have to be the King."

"You know what you're absolutely right. I will have the best caretaker for you."

"I can take care of myself just fine."

"Absolutely not. I will search for the best caretaker in the land for you."


"No Evelyn I will have this caretaker here before the sun sets!"

"Alright.." I pouted

"I'll see you later my Love." He said liaising me on the forehead before leaving

I know it's short but at least we know now. We've got a baby on the way!

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