Chapter 22

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Ok guys so I have a little time on my hands. I've been busy preparing for Christmas. But I've got a break. So this chapter is going to be shorter than most, but it'll be intense. I promise. Xoxoxo
-Natalia.      Oh and Happy Holidays everyone!

Two weeks later.....

Thranduil made peace with Evelyn becoming a warrior. He realized that it was probably for the best. So she continued training with Logan. Which Thranduil wasn't overly fond of, but he survived.

Evelyn was getting pretty good at being an elven warrior. She was learning fast which was very impressive to everyone. Training everyday sure pays off.

Ever since Thranduil found Evelyn in the forest, it's all everyone ever talks about. It was beginning to get on Logan's last nerve. He was jealous that Evelyn had a relationship with Thranduil that he'd never have with her. He despised how smitten they were with each other.

A black pit of hatred began to accumulate within him, driving him mad. He needed to have Evelyn. And was going to have her. If it was the last thing he did.

Late one night.....

It was the middle of the night and everyone had been sleeping. Logan had intoxicated many of the upper level guards and they were out cold. So he was able to sneak past them without a problem.


Evelyn couldn't sleep that night. She had a terrible feeling in her stomach and it was keeping her awake.

She thought that maybe her gown was making her uncomfortable. So she got up to change.

Evelyn got up and lit some candles, so she'd be able to see. Then she looked through her wardrobe. And once she found a comfortable looking gown, she took the old one off.

But as she was about to slip the new one on, someone came busting through her doors. Quickly, she covered herself up with the new dress.

It was Logan....

"Logan!" She yelled out in surprise.

"Shhhh." He cooed, shutting the door and locking it

"You can't be in here Logan!"

"I wanted to see you.."


"I needed to see you."

"Couldn't you have knocked first?! I'm changing!"

His eyes averted from her eyes to her curves, examining each and every one. His stares made her uneasy. Nobody but Thranduil has seen her like this. And when Logan didn't stop staring, she backed away.

"Don't do that Evelyn..." He purred, licking his lips "come here..."

"Logan I think you need to leave. Now!"

But he proceeded to walk further, as if he didn't hear a word she said.

"I've seen how you are with the Prince..and quite frankly, I don't think he's good for you...."

"How do you know what's good for me!?"

"You think he loves you Evelyn? He's a prince. He's probably going to get engaged to some other princess. And that would break your little heart wouldn't it?"

Logan didn't know much about Evelyn. He didn't even know that she was a princess herself. He also didn't know anything about her relationship with Thranduil. No, they weren't courting, but they were close.

"'re wrong Logan..."

"I don't think so."

"Please leave!" She said a little louder

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