Chapter 14

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Thranduil's POV

"Evelyn!!!!" I yell, chasing her down the river. I ran as fast as my legs could possibly carry me. And when I reach out for her, she gets swept another way. She couldn't even try and fight the current, she wasn't even conscious. There was nothing I could do. Accept try harder, I dropped my weapon and began running.

I had to do this...for Evelyn. I leaped into the air head first, penetrating the water. Before she fell of the edge of the water, I dove into the river and began swimming towards her. Swimming up to her, I wrapped her in my arms.

"Evelyn." I whispered, trying to keep her head above water. In that split second we had in the river, I realized what had happened. She was hurt and it was my fault. I should have taken her home before dark and now she had to pay the price. "I'm sorry."

I held her close and I felt completely weightless, as the two of us fell through the air.
We landed feet first into the deep pool at the bottom. For a second, Evelyn and I were sinking, but I kept thrusting my legs against the water to keep us afloat.

Swimming towards shore, I grabbed hold of a rock. I had to catch my breath, for a second we say there and I could've sworn that I couldn't feel Evelyn breathing.

Not even taking the time to hesitate, I splashed to shore, carrying Evelyn in my arms. I set her down gently and I placed my ear close to her chest. Her heart beat was faint, but it was there.

Then I remembered her leg, she had been bitten. The poison was coursing through her veins. It was too dark to see the wound, but I knew it was great one.

"Oh Evelyn..."

I heard the guards from above. They had come in search of us. They must've heard all the commotion.

"Here's the Prince's weapon!" I heard one day

"And the Princess's over there!"

They had arrived, searching with lanterns. Thank god! I needed to see how bad the wound was

"Hey!" I called "we're down here!"

All of them looked over the edge, holding their lanterns out towards us.

"Hurry! Evelyn's been bitten! We must get the poison out!"

Two of the guards came riding down from the slope. They had to ride all the way around the falls, which worried me. I didn't know how much time Evelyn had left.

"My Lord are you harmed?" One of them asked

"No, but Evelyn she's been bitten!" I say worriedly "take her quickly to the healers!"

I lifted her up to one of the guards so she could ride safely back home. And I rode behind the other guard, but by the time I hopped on, they were already gone.


The guards brought Evelyn back to the castle safely. But she was far from safe at this point. She was on the brink of death.

Oropher would be furious with Thranduil when he got back. Putting Evelyn in danger was not part of the deal of her staying here. It was to keep her safe and now she's about to die.

Oropher stood at the gates, waiting the arrival of the search party. He was shocked by what the guards brought in.

"Evelyn..." He whispered, following the guards who had been carrying her in from outside. "What on earth happened!!?"

"Spider bite My Lord." Replied one of the guards "supposedly she has been this way for quite some time. She needs urgent medical assistance."

"Make sure she gets that right away!" Oropher said, turning to find Thranduil

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