Chapter 39

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Beren's POV

Evelyn gets more tired as the weeks go by, but her spirit never fades. She tires to do things on her own, I'm always telling her she can't.

We go for walks in the garden and take care of her horse and such. She paints less though, sadly. But she reads a lot more. Reading takes less energy than painting.

I on the other hand, haven't stopped sketching. Everyday, Evelyn is the number one focus. I'm always sketching her while doing different things. Reading, and sewing. Painting not so much anymore. But she does this thing where she sits in the window and just stares. It's a beautiful thing, she admires the world. When I'm done with this book, I'm positive the king will love it. I'm only half way though, the finishing date is still unknown. You can't rush art.

Some days she'll be so tired, that she'll just sleep all day. And she tells me that she's fine and that she'll call me if she needs me. So I go off and do something somewhere else. I go to the nursery in the next room and continue to paint the walls.

It's kind of sad not being able to paint with Evelyn anymore. But it's understandable, knowing the condition that she's in. I actually finished paining all four walls, and they're big walls too. It took me about four or five weeks, but I got there.

With Thranduil working so hard and Evelyn getting so tired. The nursery isn't getting done. It's about half way there. I feel like as the only one who knows about this situation, I should be the one to complete it.

So my aunt bought all theses things and had all these gifts given to her for her child. Nobody knew what gender it'd be. But nobody knew that there wouldn't be a child at all. She had a miscarriage. And all of the things are sitting in the attic somewhere. So basically there are boy and girl toys and clothing up there. I highly doubt she'll need them. She's too old to have children anyway.


Eventually I ended getting all the baby supplies. And I hauled them up to the nursery. I also built some dressers for them, I nearly nailed my finger to a board.

I painted one dresser blue and the other pink, I also organized all the clothing and put them in the drawers. The shelves Thranduil brought, I put next to the cribs. One was built, but the other wasn't. It would be eventually. There were so many books, it nearly filled up both shelves. When I did finish the crib, I put some of the toys in each one. The toys that didn't fit, I put in the toy box. I was so tired, I only made one, I figured they could share.

At the end of the day...I still wasn't done. But it did get lots of things finished. I knew it was lol worth it.

After my day of working, I went to check up on Evelyn. She was already so big, she could barely get up from bed.


"Hi Beren...I haven't seen you all day."

"Let's just say I've been busy."

"How so?"

"Oh, well you know, I've been working on this drawing and it's getting difficult. I didn't know whether to stop or start over."

"I bet your drawing is amazing." She said tiredly

"Can I get you anything?"

"No...I don't think so."

"How are you feeling?"

"Well, I did feel a bit sick this morning. But I took a long nap and I'm feeling better."

"Why didn't you call if you weren't feeling well?"

"I didn't want to bother you."

"Evelyn, that's what I'm here for."

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