Chapter 40

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Evelyn's POV

It hurts so much. I don't know what happened. One moment I'm dancing and having a great time and the next I'm crying in pain. Everything happened so fast, it was difficult to keep up. Time seemed to stop and move in slow motion.

Thranduil, he was yelling, I could tell he was afraid. He picked me up and began running. The pain, started to get stronger and stronger. I cried out, making Thranduil look down at me.

He was telling me something, but couldn't understand. His lips were moving, yet nothing was being said. And in the corner of his eye, trickled a tear. It ran down the side of his face, I tried to wipe it away, but by then one of the healers had taken me out of his grasp.

"Thranduil..." I mumbled, reaching for his hand. I could see that the other ladies were yelling at him and trying to push him out the door. "No no no, let him in!" I begged

"We cannot Miss, you're going into labor."

"No I need him here! Agh!"

"My lady please you must calm down."

"I am anything but calm."

The pain began to accumulate, it was like setting my body on fire. The healers kept on dabbing my face with a drenched cloth. That was the only sort of comfort I received at that time.

They set me on the medical bed and propped some pillows up for me. They moved quickly, trying to get me stable and everything.

"Alright My Lady, I'm going to have to ask you to push."


"Let me in!" Thranduil yelled, the others ignored him

"I can't do this without him! I need him here!" I begged "He need to be with me! Please!"

"Bring him in..." One of the healers whispered

Eventually they let him in, he bursted through the doors, rushing to my side.

Thranduil's POV

They finally opened the doors and I ran to Evelyn, taking her hand in mine. God she looked sick, all I wanted to do was embrace he and tell her everything's alright. I gave her hand a tight squeeze, but she gave one ten times as strong. I felt like she was going to squeeze my hand off.

"Evelyn, my Love...everything's going to be fine All you have to do is push."

" hurts!" I could never understand, but I had to say something

"Evelyn...I know it's going to hurt more than anything. And you're not wrong. But you've been through worse. You're the strongest woman I've ever met and I know you can do I'm going to need you to push."


"I'm going to be here with you. And soon, we're going to have two wonderful children. But first I'm going to need you to push!" I said, tucking the extra strands of hair away from her face

She looks over at me and with the bravest look I've ever seen her make, she pushes with all of her strength. Her painful expression, sent chills down my spine. It would be something I'd never experience and not something I'd want to. But I'm glad they let me in to be with her. I couldn't bare to think of her going through this alone. I never wanted her to be alone. And she wouldn't.

I tried to pay not attention to the screams that filled the room. As painful as it might be for her, it was painful for me as well. She sounded like she was being brutally murdered. It's terrible.

She paused for a moment...then there was a small cry. Evelyn then pulled my hand a bit, anxious to see the child.

"Is the child alright?"

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