Chapter 21

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Thranduil mounted his elk, and they ran through the forest in search of the one he loves.

He realized that this is what she wanted to do. Become a fighter. And he was going to support her through anything and everything no mater what. She was his friend and he felt guilty about the whole thing. He wanted her back. Al he wanted was for everything to go back to normal.

"Evelyn!!!" He called out into the darkness. Thranduil received no response.


She could be hurt or worse. And she wasn't able to respond. Either that or she can't even hear him.

Thranduil wasn't giving up. Not now. Not ever.


Evelyn watched as the creature approached. It stirred the clouds. She was to frightened to move.

It emerged from the clouds, swooping down like a hawks do with prey. It was HUGE. It looked big enough to swallow the kingdom whole.

Deppson reared in fright and bolted towards home. Evelyn was starting to think that maybe her horse was frightened a little too easily.

She backed up into the brush, hoping it hadn't seen her and that it would go away.

"I know you're there. I'm not here to hurt you."


Evelyn built up all the courage she could and stepped out of the brush. Not even Thranduil could stop her trembles.

"There's no need to be afraid, I'm here on behalf of the Lady of Greenwood."

Oropher's wife?????

"The Lady of Greenwood is no longer living. You must be mistaken."

"She said you'd say that. She told me everything about you. How you were blind and she healed you. And how you're acquainted with her son. Even about your argument."

"Wow. You really do know everything. Don't you."

"Of course Evelyn. After all you are my rider."


"You've been chosen by me to be my rider. You'll be the first elven rider in history."

"What's your name?"

"My name is Siren."

Evelyn's POV

Wow a dragon. All my own. This could be pretty interesting. She was huge. Her scales were sapphire blue and she had four strong legs. She had razor sharp talons on each toe. Her tail was pretty long and powerful. She had a long neck with two sharp, pointy horns sticking out of her head. But her wings..spread out wide they were impressive. They were sharp, they alone could literally shape mountains.  She was fire breathing and her eyes, they flickered in the moonlight. 

"Why were you sent here?"

"To protect you and this kingdom form a future catastrophe."


"I'm not sure exactly what it is or when it'll arrive. That's all The Lady informed me."

That's scary. What kind of catastrophe is bound to happen. A dragon has been sent to help. I'm her rider and she knows literally everything about me. Wow. Lots have happened. It's a little much no?

My head was feeling a little light. And my vision kept on fading. A wave of nausea hit me and everything went dark......


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