Chapter 28

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Oropher's body was cleansed and he was fitted into his finest clothing. He was decorated with a few pieces of jewelry and he would be given a proper burial.

Many were to attend his funeral, but everyone was so shaken by the incident during the feast, they did not dare return.


Later the next day, Thranduil decided that he didn't want his father to be buried, but to be cremated. And cremated he would be.

They made an alter out of wooden logs for the King. Some of the maids had brought small twigs to put underneath the alter. Everyone in the castle paid their respects and said their goodbyes.

Evelyn's POV

It was finally my turn to say goodbye to Oropher. I saw him lying there, and I completely lost it. I started balling like a child. He was the only father (figure) I've ever had, and he was a great one. It was then that I realized...I'd never have one again.

Eventually I got myself together and placed a kiss on his cold cheek.

"Goodbye, please look after me and Thranduil from the clouds." I whispered

I turned around, it was Thranduil's turn to say goodbye. I wondered how badly he felt. If I felt this bad about someone who wasn't even my real father, Thranduil must feel a million times worse. I wanted to give him a hug and tell him it'd all be alright...but I figured he needed some space.

Thranduil's POV

It was my turn and I approached my father. He just lay there lifeless, I wanted this endless nightmare to be over. I wanted him to open his eyes and smile at me like he used to. I wanted him to take his crown and walk up on his throne. But he would not. The Valar had taken him and wouldn't give him back.

"Father....I'm sorry I didn't grow up to be the king you were. Please forgive me. I want to thank you for dying for me, even if it would result in different worlds for the both of us. That only proves how great of a father you were. I'm going to try my best to be the leader you always wanted me to be. I'll have help, don't worry, Evelyn's here by my side. Well not right now, but I'm sure you know what I mean. I will wear your crown with pride. I promise to take care of your kingdom and subjects. I guess what I'm trying to say is...I love you father. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you that enough during your time. I'll miss you for eternity, but it's time for me to say goodbye."

I turned to the guards who held torches in their hands. And nodded my head, signaling for them to drop the torches beneath the altar.

3rd person

Evelyn and Thranduil watched as Oropher's body was engulfed in flames. They had to step back, because the flames were too hot. Evelyn was crying so much that she had to leave. But Thranduil stayed until the flames died out.


Thranduil had been so upset that night he literally cried himself to sleep. Evelyn knew his father had probably died and honorable death and that his time was coming to an end. But it seemed like there was something more to the story.

Oropher would've wanted them to be strong, but Thranduil...he was falling apart. Evelyn didn't know how to help him. He seemed so sad and angry, she wasn't sure whether to coax him or leave him be.

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