Chapter 34

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Evelyn's POV

My body woke up, but I didn't open my eyes, I kept them closed. I breathed in, inhaling the fresh air, one of the maids must've opened the doors. I could hear the crickets, making their soothing little sounds. Wait, but they did that at night.

Opening my eyes and sitting up, I realized it really was night time. And I was in bed. At home,in the castle. We were home already? I must've slept the entire way home.

An entire day has pasted, there were only a few days until the wedding. Butterflies fluttered within me. Thinking of it made me nervous, but in a good way.

"You've finally woken up.." A voice said behind me


"You've been asleep for an entire day, I can't blame you though. You fought hard." He said walking up to me "you scared me you know."

"I scared myself....I'm sorry."

"You know...."


"There's something I want to show you."

"I don't like the sound of this." I said raising an eyebrow

"I promise you'll enjoy it." He said extending his hand out to me

"You know how I feel about surprises." I said wearily, taking his hand

"No, you'll love it."

"Alright." I rolled my eyes

He lead me through the halls, down the stairs and out to the stables. There, his elk was all saddled up and ready to go.

"Thranduil where are we going?"

"If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"

He picked me up and placed me on the elk's back. Soon he followed, sitting behind me, blindfolding my eyes.

"Alright Terron, you know the way." And the elk proceeded forward with no further instruction.


We rode for a little bit, I rested my head on Thranduil's chest, trying not to fall asleep again. He was so warm, he wrapped his arms around me and the two of us enjoyed each other's company.

A while later, we finally came to a halt. Terron snorted a bit, and before getting off Thranduil paused. Pulling my hair away from my ear, he whispered softly "we're here." His breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine. What did he have planned?

He slid off, and picked me up off of the elk. One I was placed on the ground, I landed on the ground. Realizing it was soft, I realized it was grass. We're we in the meadow? We couldn't have been, because it smelled like pine. So I assumed we were surrounded by trees.

"I'm going to lead you to the surprise, I promise I won't let you fall."

"You better not, this is one of my favorite gowns." I teased

The air felt cool, not to hot not too cold. I could hear all the woodland creatures throughout the forest

"Aright were approaching the surprise and quite frankly, I think you'll love it."

"Alright, so will you untie the blindfold?"

"I will." Slowly he untied the knot and let the cloth fall to floor. And when I saw it, my jaw dropped.

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