Chapter 1

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The drive was a little awkward. And we all should know by now that I'm very good at being awkward. But no one likes awkward. "So where is this place?" I asked to break the silence.
Liam was the one to answer me. "It's at the ballroom downtown, you know? There's gonna be a lot of people there." He told me. "It's kind of a kickoff for our tour." He explained. I simply nodded and stared out the window.

The boys are currently living with their familiars between tours. Niall came from Ireland about a week ago and is staying with Harry and his family. My mum will definitely relax more with Lou and I out of the house for three and a half months. My sisters will miss me though. Louis and I were always the loudest of the family.
I'm excited for tour. I've been to a few concerts before but I doubt it's more fun to be on a tour bus.

After ten more minutes of listening to Harry's jokes(which were not funny), we pulled into the ballroom parking lot. Many expensive cars filled the lot. "What kind of people are gonna be here?" I asked, gulping. They just shrugged. They were wearing formal clothes. I looked down at my dress. I got out of the car and fixed my hair.

The boys were running across the lot, not bothering to look for cars, towards some other boys. Louis stayed behind to talk to me. His coat was slung off his finger on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for pushing you to come." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and squeezed.
I shrugged. "It's cool, I need to get out of the house more often anyways." I gave him a forgiving smile. He smiled back and removed his arm from my small shoulders.

  "Great! Now you can meet 5 Seconds of Summer." He said, pointing to the boys that Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall had raced ahead to see.

    Um okay. First things first, they were really tall. And attractive. But mostly tall. One with sandy colored, curly hair and big biceps was talking with Harry with his arms crossed. One with darker hair and nice dimples was fist-bumping Louis. Another one with bright red hair chatted it up with Liam. The last one was smiling. He had a lip ring and quiffed up blonde hair.
    Why is it that all the famous people are hot?

  I uncomfortably clasped my hands together. Louis must've noticed me because he stopped talking to the dark haired boy to turn to me. "Lads, this is my little sister Brinley." Louis placed a hand on my back and lightly nudged me forward.
   I rolled my eyes and turned back to him. "I'm not that little." Protesting, I scanned their faces.

   "Well, don't just stand there boys! Introduce yourselves!" Liam said, holding out a hand in front of 5 Seconds of Summer.
    Biceps snapped out of it first. "I'm Ashton Irwin, the drummer." Hmm. Australian, I assume?
    Dark-haired boy said his name next. "Calum Hood, bass." I pursed my lips and nodded.
    "Michael Clifford, guitar." The walking stop sign said. His hair was a little ridiculous.
    Lip Ring looked bored. "Luke Hemmings, lead singer/guitar." He drawled out. I just nodded shortly. But I did see him roll his eyes and pull his phone out of his pocket with a nasty look on his face. "She's coming on tour?" He scoffed. "She won't last a day." His remark to Zayn wasn't heard by the others but I sure did.

  I turned back to Lou. I'm not really wanting to get to know these boys better. "Can we go in now?" I asked him. He looked a little shocked but nodded.
   "Sure. Let's party!" They all let out whoops and cheers. We traveled in a huge huddle into the room. I stuck in the back of the whole group with my arms crossed. Lip Ring, or should I say Luke, stayed behind of the pack next to me. I glanced over to him and rolled my eyes. They all seem ignorant. But hot. But more ignorant that hot.

I sped up my walking to go talk with Harry. "So are you excited for tour?" I just grinned at the thought.
Harry smiled as well. "So pumped."
"Do you know who's bus I'm staying in?" I asked him. There's a bus for 5SOS and one for One Direction. I was hoping for the one with Louis, obviously.

He grimaced. "Uh, yeah. You're not gonna be happy, considering how fast you wanted to be away from them." He told me.
I groaned. "With those heathens?" I said, flailing an arm.
"Heathens? Brin, you barely know them." Harry told me. "It can't be that bad."

"Yeah, well I have instincts and my instincts are telling me that they are arrogant little assholes whose egos are bigger than their brains!" I said kinda loud. Harry let out a gurgle of laughter.
"Well that was rude." A voice said from behind me. We were almost into the ballroom.
I turned around to see Ashton looking quite hurt. "I mean, I don't have control of my instincts." I told him, shrugging. I don't give a crap right now.

"Can't you at least try to be nice? Give us a chance?" He asked. Damn those brown eyes and pretty accent.
"I don't know. First impressions are pretty important and that one over there-" I jabbed a finger towards Luke "didn't seem very nice." I finished.
I sighed. Maybe I was being a little harsh and judgmental. "I'm sorry. I'm just not really looking forward to spending six months with 4 teenage boys." I informed him. We had entered the ballroom at this point and I was itching to find some root beer or Coca Cola.

I walked away to the bar. "Hi, can I have a coke please?" I asked the bartender politely.
"Sure thing, sweetie." Ew. Mentally gagging as he winked at me. He looks at least 40. I took my drink and walked away as fast as I could, not bothering to say thank you.

I settled myself into a corner, near the food table and began my usual party activity: observing partygoers.

A/N: chapter one here we go! So yeah. She kinda doesn't want to be nice to 5SOS because she feels that they shouldn't really be on tour with the biggest boy band at the time. She just has a bad feeling about them. Im so excited for the future. Okay byeee🍩

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