Chapter 24

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  Still Luke's POV(I promise Brinley isn't dead):

    Michael and I spent a lot of time reconnecting my memories. All of it was sort of coming back expect for what happened that gave me amnesia.
   "So Ashton, the drummer of our band, punched me because I got mad at Calum, the bassist, and left him to bleed out on the floor of the arena back room?" I asked Michael, just to clear some things up.

  He nodded slowly. "That sucks." I muttered, running my hand through my hair in attempt to fix it. It had been very messy since I spent some time in a hospital. "Why aren't you mad at me?" I asked Michael suspiciously. He shrugged and took a bite out of the apple he had been playing with.

  "I figured you had good reasoning. Calum can be quite big-headed at some times. But I don't know why Ashton freaked out." He said while chewing the apple. He swallows and wiped his mouth. "You need someone on your side anyways. You've got nearly the whole band against you. Somehow the fan found out something happened to Harry, Brinley, you and Calum."  He sighed. "They probably got pictures since there are famous people here, coming and going. They pieced together the dots."

  I covered my face with my hands and breathes deeply. I had completely forgotten about Harry and Brinley. "Are Harry and Brinley going to be okay?" I asked Michael.
    "Dunno. I haven't seen any of them. Brinley was in surgery 'bout three days ago. They said she'll need another one for her broken ribs." He spoke to me. He tossed his apple core into the trash can.

"What about Harry?" There were so many question that had gone unanswered in the past hour it was like trying to learn a whole new language in a day.
   "Doctors say he'll be fine. But they aren't sure about Brin." Michael seemed nervous to tell me about Louis' sister.

  "Why?" I asked immediately. Why can't everyone in this world stop being so damn vague?

  "After the brain surgery, she went into another coma. She hasn't woken up yet. Her vitals are getting worse." He informed me on her medical state. It sounded an awful lot worse than mine.
   Then the perky nurse came in again with her damn clipboard. "Hi Luke and Mr. Clifford!" She squealed. She's going to give me a worse headache. "You have another visitor." She informed me. Michael and I warily exchanged looks. "I'll send him in." She told me and walked out again.

   Michael looked beyond confused when Calum walked in with a white bandage around his head. Everything went quiet. The hum of the heater attached to the wall seemed silent and no computers or electronics buzzed with energy. Not a single thing moved when Calum walked in.

   "Hey Luke." He said to me with a small grin on his face, showing more melancholy than anything else. "Just thought I'd stop by. Michael, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to Lucas alone." Calum raised his eyebrows at Michael.
  Michael stood up and walked out of the room, flipping Calum off on his way out. Calum chuckled and took Michael's spot in the chair.

"Calum, I'm sorry." I said after swallowing my fear and pride.
He shot me a wry look and smirked. "You don't even remember what happened, do you?" He asked me. I squirmed uncomfortably as he squinted his eyes at me.
"Michael shed some light on the subject." I murmured. "I can't remember much of anything other than punching Caspar for no reason."

Calum smiled. He smiled at me. Kindly with a little bit of pity. Like I hadn't ruined everything forever. "I think you did have a reason. Just try and go back to that moment. What were you feeling?" He asked me.
I bit my lip and closed my eyes, reimagining that moment. When I opened my eyes, the light seemed brighter than before.

"I was feeling mad." I told him.
He studied my face and stared right at my eyes before breaking away and chuckling.
"I wouldn't say that you were mad. I'd say that you were jealous." Calum told me.
"Why would I be jealous of Casp-" I began to say until something made me gasp. I clutched my chest and started heaving out heavy breaths. I couldn't get enough air in. I squeezed my eyes shut as memories flooded back into my throbbing head.
When it ended, Calum had been at y side, holding my hand to try and calm me down. "It must've been the realization that hit you." I looked down at Calum, wide eyed.

I leaned over and pulled his into a tight hug. I was sobbing now, my tears streaming the back of his shoulder. I could feel how tense he was and how shaky. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I repeated over my tears. "I can't believe what I did to you. I'm so sorry." I whispered over and over again.
"Shhh, Luke, it's okay. You do crazy things for love." I pretended not to hear the last part.

We separated our hugs but didn't move away from each other. "You shouldn't be forgiving me this quickly. I hurt you. I called you so many mean things." My eyes pleaded for answers, anything too let me know.
"Luke, I don't know why I understood what you were going through because over never been in love. But I could tell you were having a rough time. When I heard what Ashton did to you, I figured you didn't need another person that hated you." He explained to me. He stood up and brushed off his jeans.

"I should let you rest. I need to talk to Ashton anyways." He began to walk out before I stopped him.
"Calum," I said. "I'm not in love."

He simply smiled and said, "Not yet, my friend." Then he was gone.

A/N: whooeeee that was a lot to take in. But Cake is back and so is MUKE. Ashton is just an ass wipe that's all. Okay byeeee🏋🏿

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