Chapter 17

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And then Caspar was on the ground and Luke was punching him repeatedly. There were shouts for help and Caspar tried to fight back but Luke was a lot bigger than Caspar.
"Stop it!" I yelled. I grabbed Luke's arm and hauled him off of Caspar. Calum snatched both of Luke's arms and held him back.

I saw Calum drag Luke away. I bent down to see if Caspar was okay. His lip was split and bleeding and he will definitely have a ton of bruises. "Here, let's clean you up." I wrapped an arm around him and guided him into the back room where Lou did makeup.

I sat him down in a black chair and got out some contain balls and a bottle of water.
I poured some water on the cotton balls and dabbed it on his face. He winced. "Sorry." I whispered and went back to focusing on cleaning up his cuts.
"I don't know why Luke would do something like that." I shook my head and bit my lip as I told him this. "He has nothing against you. I don't know why-" I just shook my head. Luke had been acting weird all night. But why would he take it out on Caspar? He's done nothing wrong!

I put away the supplies after cleaning his face and giving him an ice pack. "You're gonna need this for you eye later." I told him.
"Thanks." Caspar said, holding it to his eyes.
"I gonna go, uh, check up on Calum to see if he's got Luke under control." I stammered, exiting the room quickly.

I nearly ran to their backstage dressing room. I threw open the door to see Calum and Luke sitting in chair. Luke was making a face and Calum was obviously mad at Luke as well.
When they saw me, they both looked up. Calum stood up and walked over to me. "What the hell was that?" I yelled at Luke. He didn't say anything, just bit his lip and looked at him shoes.
"He did nothing wrong! Why would you do that?!" I was behind any get and a little bit confused. Calum held the back of my arm.

"Calm down. Just take some deep breaths." Calum said in a soft tone.
That gave me the time to take in Luke's complexion. He had a big red gash in his left cheek and a bruise just under his eye. His blonde hair was disheveled and he looked like he hadn't slept in two weeks.
"I'm gonna go and you two can work this out." Calum said calmly and left the room.

I plopped down in the chair that Calum had been previously sitting in. "I'm sorry." Luke whispered, sitting on his hand and keeping his eyes trained in the floor.
"Don't apologize to me." I stared into the blank space in front of me. "Apologize to Caspar. He hasn't done anything to you." I still refused to look at Luke. I didn't want to see those sad, deep blue eyes that make me melt every time.

"I just couldn't take it anymore." Like said. I then forced myself to look at him. "I knew he was bad news and when I heard that-" he swallowed and continued. "I just didn't want him hurting you." Luke looked up at me, his blue eyes churning like the sea filled with tears.

I scoffed and stood up. "Really? You didn't want him hurting me?" I said with air quotes. "You're not my brother. You're not my boyfriend. You aren't even my friend. I don't need your 'protection'" I stormed out of the room and made my way towards the girls bathroom.

I clutched the edges of the white porcelain sink in the bathroom, gasping for breaths. I'd never felt this way before, so out of breath and helpless. I couldn't think or try and calm myself down. I forced my head up to look at myself in the rusty mirror. A ghastly pale girl with deep purple bags under her eyes, which were full of terror, stared back at me. My hands shook like an earthquake, my body chilling then sweating
I closed my eyes and tried to imagine the moment when I was seven and Louis was 11. We were playing on the beach in the sand, building a sandcastle together.
"No, Brinley, stop it!" He squealed at me. I had been putting mounds of wet sand over his castles.
"I'm making it better!" I protested as Louis swiped off all the dark, wet sand and began to rebuild his structure.
"Try and help in a useful way." He scolded me. He reached over and wiped some sand off of my face. "Don't get sand in your eyes. It hurts." I giggled at him and squirmed away.

The happy memory had filled every panicking crevice in my brain, calming it and helping me take slower breaths. The once ragged, strained air was slow and calm now. I slipped my sweaty palms away from the sink. I slid down into the floor, brushing my hair out of my face.
I'd never been so scared in my life, an what for? Nothing has spooked me or anything. I'd only yelled at Luke for punching my friend. Was I too mad at him and that triggered it?
It wasn't like I was scared of losing Luke as a friend, because we weren't even friends. Not close to it.
But being so out of control really scared me. If it happens again, maybe I can see a pattern and find out what's causing it. This can't be happening over again.

With a new idea in my mind, I freshly stepped out of the bathroom. Some little voice in the back of my brain was taunting me though.
You're already falling for him. You're just scared that he will change into a man you won't want to love.

A/N: PLOT TWIST BIATCHES. Yeah okay. I'm really tired rn as usual. Okay byeeee🐑

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