A/N: this is a bonus chapter that includes al the letters that she wrote to Calum, Michael and Ashton. I needed an idea so I'm going I write this because I don't have time to write a whole other chapter. This one might be short. Love you❤️
Dear Calum,
What would any of us do without you? I don't know how you manage to stay so calm in terrible situations. You calm everyone else down as well. Maybe because your name is Calum and that kind of sounds like calm. Or not.
Do you know how talented you are? I bet you don't because you're always so unsure of yourself when you write a new song or come up with a sick bass line. You shouldn't be. The lyrics that you write are so meaningful and I can tell that you out a lot of feeling into them.
You can be serious and thoughtful, but also playful and happy. That's a sign that you've found a great person to be friends with. You didn't even know how to make eggs when I first met you!
I really hope that you guys become famous. I do.
But I'll be gone before you finish your show. So please don't cry or mourn over me. I don't want that. You guys can survive three and a half months without me, I'm pretty sure you can survive forever. I didn't want to become friends. It just happened. I'm glad I did though. I'm not coming back on tour. I probably won't see you in person ever again. I do hope to see you on tv or in magazines. Maybe in the walls of some girl's room.
I can't write out how or why I'm leaving. My mum is taking me back home. Let's just say I'm sick. Real sick. I'm in trouble but I'll be fine. Don't worry about me.
I also ask you to please don't call or text me. Don't ask Louis where we live because he won't tell you either. If Luke asks to see this note, hide it where he will never find it. Please, for me.
You are a wonderful friend. I'll never forget the time I've had with you.
Sincerely the best,
Dear Michael,
I'm giving you this time to brush up on your video game playing skills. Once the tour is over, you can beat my score. But I won't be back for a rematch.
My mother and I are on a plane back to Doncaster right now. I'm probably in big trouble. I'm leaving because I know that staying won't be good for my health. I'm sick. I've been sick for the past four years.
I'm not ready to tell you what I'm sick with or why. I don't want to accept it. If I write it out in words, it will feel permanent. I don't want it to be permanent.
I heard that you're dealing with depression. I know how you feel. I've got it too. Some days it gets worse and some days I'm really happy. It makes me pretty bipolar. We have more in common than you think. I don't know how long you've had it, but I'm going to let you in on a little secret that I learned. Life goes on. It does. And what feels like waves crashing down and scraping you until there's nothing left will be soon gone. When you are at your deepest points, its just the heavens preparing you for something good. Really good. It'll happen soon, I promise.
You're always around to have a laugh, or get crazy with. You know how to be laid back and when you need to focus.
I really wish that I could play the guitar as good as you. You're incredible and your band would be stuck in Sydney if you were not a part of it.
I just want you to know that life goes on and it will get better. The scale has to tip one way or another it it always comes back to the middle.
Don't show Luke that I wrote you all notes too. He'll be changed. I hope for the better for all of you.
Gotta catch em all,
Dear Ashton,
It feels like yesterday that you tried to get me to change my feelings on you and your band mates at the opening party back five months ago. You were so kind to me and I was so stubborn. But I've changed now. I've realized that I was being way too self centered around my own wellbeing.
I've come to the conclusion today that I need to be more like you. Yes, you, Ashton Irwin. Brave, caring, hilarious Ashton. That's who I should strive to be like. We all should.
I know for a fact that some of your fans look up to you. I was leaving, on my way out to find some food the other day when I stopped to talk to some fans who didn't have tickets. One girl, about thirteen, with brown hair and green eyes, stopped to talk to me. "Aren't you Brinley Tomlinson?" She asked me.
I responded with a yes and she smiled really big. "You're amazing. Are you friends with 5 Seconds of Summer?" She asked. I nodded and smiled.
"Yeah I am." I said to her. "Who's your favorite?" I asked. You knew what she said?
"Ashton." And when I asked her why, she responded with, "because he has the biggest heart ever. I want to be just like him." I nearly cried because it was so sweet.
Yes, I am gone. For good. I've been sick and I need some care. I'm on a plane, flying back to London now. You won't see me again. Maybe you will and I just won't tell Luke. I needs to break things off with him before I break him.
Keep being so amazing, Ashton. Just be yourself. Yourself is awesome.
Always in your heart,
Brinley.A/N: more cuteness and emotion ANDKENDJDNEOTP I can't. Okay byeeeee👹

FanfictionLouis Tomlinson is famous. His 17 year old sister, Brinley Tomlinson, is not. Yet. She's not used to all the Popparazzi and screaming girls everywhere she goes with her brother and his boy band, One Direction. They've gotten quite big since the X Fa...