Chapter 16

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I watched my brother intently perform. He had always wanted so badly to be something and to make people happy. I'm really so proud of him. He loves what he does and I don't see him stopping any time soon. He's having such a great time with these lads. I smiled as I saw him and Harry exchange smiles. I always knew they were good friends. Maybe more. Louis doesn't really get time to talk to me about his "feelings" lately. But I know there are rumors about Larry Stylinson. I've seen how they act around each other. I can see how it looks romantic to others.
I turned around to see Caspar and Ashton talking and laughing.
I saw Michael and Luke exchanging words with worried faces and negative expressions.
Calum was fiddling around wth his bass and writing something down on a piece of paper with a pen. He would play something, then shake him head or write something down then scribble it out.

I pushed myself off the wall id been leaning against and walked over to him. "Whatcha doing?" I asked. He looked up from his hard work and faintly smiled.
"Hey Brinley. Just trying to write a bass part for a new song were working on." He responded, plucking one of the lower strings.
"That sounds fun." I commented. I've tried to write songs but they just come out childish or whiny. Some of them are good, but most are terrible.
"I just can't seem to get the chorus down." He mumbled with furrowed eyebrows. I looked up at his face, scrunched up in frustration.

"Well, maybe I could take a look at it?" I offered. Maybe being friends would make this tour a whole lot better. I've got literally nothing to lose.
   He looked surprised. "You write music?" He asked me.
   I shrugged and crinkled my nose. "A little bit. But it's not that great. I can play guitar, bass and drums." I told him. Then he looked impressed.
   "Female triple threat. Watch out ladies and gentlemen." He said, passing me the paper. I looked at the chord names under the lyrics.

   All the lyrics were written down but there was a large plank spot for the chorus. "Try an E chord for the first half of the line. Sing it too." I suggested.

  He looked skeptical but did so. "I remember the day you told me-" he cut himself off and grinned really wide. "How'd you know that would work?" He asked me in bewilderment.
     "Just a wild guess. I can't play that bass, that was a lie." I laughed nervously. "It looked right."

  "Well, we only have a lying double threat. That's a let down, folks." He aid as if he were hosting a tv show. We both laughed.
   "So what's the song called? Got any ideas yet?" I asked, scooting a little closer to him so I could see the paper better.
    "Maybe Amnesia. But it sounds stupid." He definitely look unsure about it.
   "Well the lyrics look great. I bet it'll sound great too." I nudged him shoulder. He nudged me back. Soon we were in a full-on shoulder bumping war. We both fell over laughing really loudly. We accidentally got the attention brought to us by everyone around us. Calum made a face and helped me up we both settled on the couch again.

"Well, that's how you properly piss people off." I said to him quietly. He giggled and shuffled his papers.
"Do you want to play this song with me?" he offered. I perked up and nodded, grabbing an acoustic guitar from the corner of the room.
"It starts out kind of slow and soft." He pointed out the chords on the guitar. I nodded and let me finger play the strings. Calum began to sing, I couldn't stop watching him. He was fascinating to watch. His voice was so smooth and calming, even though he had a little lisp. I jumped in on the chorus.

I remember the day you told me you were leaving. I remember the make up running down your face. And the dreams you left behind, you didn't need them? Like every single wish we'd ever made?
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about these stupid little things. Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you and the memories I never can escape.

I began to shakily sing the second verse.
The pictures that you sent me they're still living in my phone
I'll admit I like to see them, I'll admit I feel alone
And all my friends keep asking why I'm not around.

We got really into the song and didn't notice the amount of stage crew and random workers surrounding use listening to the song. I was too absorbed in signing and strumming the strings.
When we finished, the applause broke me out of my trance and I blushed. I looked over at Calum and said, "That song is really good. It's gonna be a hit." I assured him.
He smiled back at me. "You're great. You're gonna be a hit." He teased me. I smiled and out the guitar back.

Caspar approached me and clapped a little bit. "That was amazing! I didn't know you could sing!" He said to me.
I shushed him, not wanting to attract any more attention or distract people. "Yeah, I sing a little bit."
"That seemed like more than a little bit to me, Brinley." He chuckled to me.

I blushed and tried to turn away. But he lightly grabbed my arm and held it. "Hey would you want to go on a date with me sometime?"

A/N: MMMHMM yeah that happened. What's Luke gonna do about it? Comment what you think! Okay byeee🖍

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