Chapter 30

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     "What? Mom, you can't do this!" I exclaimed. Then I looked around to see if anyone heard me.
    "Oh yes I can. I don't know what you were thinking but it was stupid and careless." My mother spat at me. Years sprung into my eyes and I cupped a hand over my mouth.

   "I'm fine! Better than fine! I don't need them." I tried to reassure her in the most comforting way as possible. "I haven't felt any side effects."

  "I don't think you know how serious this is. You don't know the danger of your own health!" She said loudly. I was worried that one of my sister were going to hear her and get worried. The last thing I want is to scare them. "Brinley," my mother lowered her voice and calmed down a notch. "You are coming home tomorrow. And don't think for a second that those boys can prevent you from leaving." She hissed at me.

   I squared my shoulder and sat up straight. "I'm afraid that can't happen." I said properly. "My brother and I are on a plane to the next show right now. I don't think I can arrange a letting in my schedule. They don't have a day off for the next month." I tried to sound professional and hoped to god it worked.
    I could tell that she was only getting for irritated and angry. "Don't use that tone with me, young lady. I will find you and bring you home." Before she could say anything else, I hung up my phone. I ended the call, not wanting to hear her voice any more. I can't stand being yelled at in the first place. It makes me shivery and sad. But I was proud of myself for standing up for what I believe in.

She doesn't know how much this tour has taught me about. I've learned so much about friendship, how to keep yourself grounded and definitely to appreciate the things in life while you have them. She doesn't know that I was in a coma for three months. She doesn't know that I have developed confused feelings about a certain blonde and blue eyed Australian boy. She doesn't know that I've become attached.

   Maybe this is all my fault. No, not maybe, definitely. I shouldn't have gotten attached in the first place.

  When I was younger, I used to be in musicals for the church and school. I would always get a good part because the directors thought I was a good singer. But when I was in middle school, I was in a show with a boy that I'd become quick friends with. At the party after the show, a couple of my friends were playing truth or dare. He was dared to kiss my sister's hand. I didn't know it at the time, but I had liked him and it crushed me to pieces. He lived far away from me and moved a year later. I haven't seen him since.

  It's happened multiple times. I've had friends and then they're gone. And I'm left heartbroken to dwell on all the good memoirs we'd had. Everyone seems to leave me behind.

   Stop it. Snap out of it. Stop feeling bad for yourself and be your own person. Besides, July is coming up. Your birthday is soon. Near the end of the tour, you will officially be an adult of 18 years. You are an independent person and can do your own thing without your mum telling you to do it.
    I walked out of the bathroom just as a lady over the speaker told the passengers that we were taking off shortly.
   I walked back to my seat and strapped myself in. Louis looked furious. "Where've you been? We are leaving soon!" He whisper-shouted at me.

   I told myself to stay calm and not blow up at my brother. "Louis, I need you to understand that I am turning 18 soon and you can't be my body guard anymore." I spoke slowly and clearly.
   He looked surprised and a little hurt. "But I'm your big brother. I'm not going to stop protecting you." He said in a small voice.

  "I don't expect you to." I smiled softly then kept making my point. "But I need to do my own things and not have people tying me back." He nodded. He did look a little pale but stayed silent.
   "You do know you can talk to me, right?" He asked for assurance. I nodded quickly.  "Then I need you to tell me the truth."

   I swallowed and nodded, confused. "About what?" I asked, putting up an act. I know he'll ask about my wellbeing.
     "Are you actually taking your pills?" He asked me after a deep breath. My body tensed up but couldn't let him see my guilt. It took all my willpower not to look away or show any signs of weakness.

   I couldn't lied to him and told him that I was. I wouldn't have hesitated a few years ago because I was shocked into fearful hiding after I'd figured out about my diagnosis. A few years ago, I would've nodded vigorously and kept a grim look off my face. My sickness ruined my whole life. I was forced to leave school for almost a year with having to keep tutors at home. It drew more attention that I'd ever wanted to myself and it didn't get any better when Louis because famous. Nobody wanted to talk to the girl with short hair like a boy's who had a famous brother who was in a stupid boyband. Nobody wanted to talk to the girl who was forced to leave school because she was bullied too much for losing her hair because she had almost untreatable hodgkin's leukemia. Nobody wanted to talk to a girl who was dying. They wouldn't know what to say anyways.

A/N: so yep that's what she had. My cousin(who is my inspiration for everything) had hodgkin's and it was really traumatizing for our whole family. It was really painful to see her in the hospital for Thanksgiving two years ago. But this isn't about my life. If you want more inspiring info, dm me and we can talk :) okay byeeeeee💗

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