Chapter 10

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I wiped my hands on my black jeans and turned away from Luke. I saw the rest of his band standing there, half shocked and half amused. Michael stood there with his mouth open and a derpy look on his face. Calum's eyes were wide. Ashton was giggle like a school girl. "What the hell did you do now, Lucas?" Calum asked him, taking a lingering step towards him and stifling his laughs as well.
    Luke menacingly raised his head to look at his band mate. "Shut. Up." He growled through his clenched teeth.

As I walked away, I slapped Michael's hand with a high five. Revenge may be petty, but it sure feels good.

I was lounging in my bunk when I heard the door open and close. I sat up and looked out of the curtain. Niall was creeping in the fridge. "Whatcha doing?" I asked slowly. He jumped then relaxed when he saw me.
"We don't have any food. I came to see if you guys did." I hopped down from my bed and strolled over to Niall.

"I could go for some cheese toasties right about now. You want one?" I asked Niall. He smiled and nodded. I got out bread and cheese and began to heat up the stove.
"So I heard what happened with Luke." Niall said, sitting in a chair as my back was faced to him as I worked at the stove. He couldn't see my grimace when he mentioned that.
"Yeah, I kind of regret that." I started to say. "But then I remember that he decided to write a song about me when I made it clear that I wasn't interested." I finished, flipped over to the other side of the bread with a spatula.

I could hear a little laugh behind me. I frowned and turned around. "What's so funny?" I asked him.
"Oh, nothing." He was still laughing, possibly even louder now. "I bet you'll regret it soon."

The frown never left my face when I asked, "What are you talking about?"
"You'll end up with one of them, I bet." He said with a grape in his mouth from the bowl on the table. "My money goes on Luke." He swallowed the grape and continued to stare at me. "He's got this magnetism that draws people to him. And you're like his opposite. No matter what, they will attract." He teased in a singsong voice.

I crossed my arms and removed the two sandwiches from the pan. I put them on plates and took a seat next to Niall.

   "Shut up. I'm not falling in love." I took a bite out of the cheese toastie.
   Niall hummed and chewed his food quietly with a small smirk on his face. It made me want to slap him.


   I woke up in my bunk, curled up in blankets and pillows. A note was taped to the bottom of the bunk above me.
   I sat up and read it.

      You fell asleep talking to me while we were eating. So I put you in your bed.
           ~Niall xx
PS: you snore a bit in your sleep ;)

I smiled and hopped out of my bed. Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael were still sleeping, per the norm. I dumped some Apple Jacks into a bowl and quietly padded into the back room. I flicked on the tv. A new channel was playing a reel of current events.

I decided to stay on this channel because I'm going to be an adult soon. Don't adults watch the news all the time?
I ate my cereal as I saw clips of uncomfortable looking reporters from different spots all over the world as some natural disaster was brewing. One almost got knocked over my wind in Tennessee.

I was about to switch it to SpongeBob when I was browsing the channels when one caught my eye. E! Network. Probably more interesting than Wham news.

I began watching the gossip news show. I nearly spit out my food when I saw the headline. I think I shat my pants as well. The headline read, "New Girl For Pop-Rock Star Luke Hemmings?"
I turned up the volume so I could hear it.

"Last night at One Direction's kickoff concert for their 'Where We Are' tour, their opening act, 5 Seconds of Summer, played a new song of theirs called Don't Stop. Take a listen." The lady on the tv said. Then a clip of the song from the concert played for five seconds.
"The song is obviously about a girl that is driving these boys crazy!" She said after the clip. "But at the kickoff party in London about two weeks ago for the tour, we may have found their mystery girl." My mouth fell to the ground as a two grainy pictures of me and Luke at the party. One had his arm around me and one with us dancing.
"This girl, identified as Brinley Tomlinson, aka Louis Tomlinson's sister, had quite the time at this party. Maybe in the future we will see more of Luke and Brinley." She said with a smug look on her face before she moved on with other news.

I couldn't think. I couldn't feel myself breathing. This couldn't be happening. No way. I didn't see any photographers there! But I bet they found their way in somehow. It's One Direction, the most popular boyband in the world. Of course their tours would be documented.

With shaky hands I opened my Twitter app on my phone. I nearly dropped it into my cereal when I saw what was going on. Fans were tweeting me and Luke things like:

@girlwholovesclifford: @BrinleyTomlinson @Luke5SOS IS IT TRUE? Are you guys dating? We want answers!

@Niallswilly: @Luke5SOS how could you do this to me I thought we were a couple.

Some they tweed were nastier, but I decided to ignore those. But this is a nightmare. No doubt, something's going down when Luke wakes up.

A/N: oh shiat's getting real. Yeah mhmmm that happened. Okay byee🤔

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