Chapter 22

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Still Luke's POV(apologies):

Those words that he spoke made me feel more numb than ever before. Even more numb than when I had to get stitches in my foot or when I found out that my dog died when I was seven.
This was a slow pain, spreading like a virus all around me and in every crevice. It was like a deadly airborne virus that couldn't be contained. I felt bees buzzing in my brain pan and I wasn't able to function properly.

The only thing worse than this feeling of dread and like nothing will ever be okay is the feeling that you don't know why you feel this way.
   Everything seems unknown to me right now. I don't know anything about myself. It's like I came from another planet.

  When I heard those words, chills crept up my spine like tickling spiders and stayed there on the top of my neck. They froze everything and I couldn't move, couldn't speak and couldn't process the fact that one of them could be dead.
   "What? Are you joking mate?" Louis said in astonishment. Niall had stood up and I could see the tears brewing in his eyes.

  "No, I wouldn't joke about this Lou." Zayn said, trying and failing to keep his voice steady. "I don't know much but Ashton got a call from the doctors. He said it was pretty bad."
    "Are they gonna be okay?" I asked him once I could fight the spiders for a few seconds before I turned numb and weak again.

  "Dunno." He shrugged.
   Liam's jaw was clenched and I could tell that he was desperately trying to keep it all together. "We can't panic or freak out. It won't do much good." He was trying to keep up his title as the responsible one in the band.
   "Are you freaking blind? Do we look like were panicking?" Louis said very loudly. The tone in the room changed. Louis' voice charged it with aggressive energy. "We are completely calm!" He was full out yelling now.

Niall walked over to Louis and put a hand on his shoulder, guiding him back towards their beds. Niall shot a glassy-eyes glance behind his shoulder before leaving the room. "He's just shaken up, Li. It was his sister and his best friend." I told him, trying to be reassuring.
  Liam nodded but I could his chin wobbling. He was on the verge of crying. Zayn was attempting not to cry at the sight of his friends crying too.

   "I think I'm going to go down to the hospital. Security said they made sure no paparazzi were going to find out about this." Zayn said after some silence. It seems like my future would be living in silence with these people who are so most in their own thought that they can't catch a break.
   "I'll come with you." I volunteered, looking up at Zayn and pulling a coat and wiping my face. Liam did the same.

I jumped into the backseat of a blue Prius and we went well over the speed limit trying to get to the Dublin hospital quickly. I was partially afraid of getting pulled over and wasting even more time. But Zayn, who was the only emotionally stable one to drive, kept us safe and weaved through traffic carefully.

Once we reached the hospital, my hands were freezing and shaking. I couldn't keep my jaw from chattering against my teeth because of the cold and how nervous I was. We each pulled our sorry asses out of the car and hauled into the hospital lobby. Liam went up to the desk and asked to see Brinley Tomlinson and Harry Styles.

"I'm sorry, family only right now." She said sympathetically.
"Can you at least tell us how they're doing?" I croaked up from behind Zayn to the lady. Her name tag read Elle.

"Well, not usually." She started. We were all put down by this news until she hesitantly looked around to see if anyone was watching. "But I can give some information just for a few close friends." Our faces brightened and we bobbed our heads eagerly

She ushered us into the back room after telling a coworker to cover her desk. She rummaged through many files before finally pulling out two with their names on it. She opened Harry's first. I mentally prepared myself for the worst.
"The two were hit head on at a very fast speed by a hefty truck, so there are a lot of major injuries. Mr. Styles had some serious head trauma and a broken arm. He will have quite a few bruises and will need medication and lots of bed rest before he gets better. We need to treat him while he is here though." She explained to us. This isn't that bad, I assured myself. Brinley's can't be a lot worse.

But of course I was wrong. "The truck was heavier on one end so most of the weight of the impact was towards Ms. Tomlinson." She shuffled some papers before telling us about it. "She has a pretty bad concussion. She might wake up with amnesia. We aren't sure, because she is in a comatose state currently. She has multiple broken limbs and ribs, along with some damaged brain tissue that will need surgery to fix. It might be hard to do surgery due to her previous surgeries." She made it sound not too bad, but when I added it all up I my head, she couldn't been dead if it meant not going through all this.

She would be in the hospital for months and weeks. She would need surgery. She could wake up from her coma and forget everything. She couldn't forget about me and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

I stumbled out of the file room and back into the lobby, where many families waited anxiously to see their patients. A familiar curly head stood up. "Ashton?" I asked aloud. He turned around and a stone cold, hard expression was worn on his tired face.

I walked closer to him. Just when I was a few feet away, Ashton reared back and punched my straight in the nose.

A/N: wahoooo stuff it getting juicy. I got a lot planned. I wrote a lot Today. Okay byeeeee💄

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