Chapter 42

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Thoughts swarmed in my mind like bees and honey. And they stuck there too. I was too nervous to talk to Annabelle, so I was just giving short one word answers with as much fake enthusiasm as I could. I bobbed my head in responses to her anxious questions.
     As the time ticked down until the boys took the stage, I could only help but wonder. Would they see me? Could I go unnoticed by anyone? It's a basically a shot in the dark, but you're surrounded by zombies that are preventing you from shooting. So it's an impossible shot.
   Now that I knew, that feeling in my stomach has not given up. It relentlessly prodded in my brain, telling me run, run far away where they would never find me.

    Annabelle handed me my ticket and I glanced at it, reading the print and information to where our seats were. My eyes widened when I saw our seats.
   "Are you serious? Front row, Belle? These must've cost a fortune!" I said to my friend, running to catch up with her.
    She waves a dismissive hand at me. "My cousin works concerts here, he got me a discount. Nothing but the best for you!" She said brightly.
    And then I smiled a genuine smile. This was my friend, who had spent hundreds of dollars for a birthday present for me. And I'm going to try to enjoy it as much as I can. I don't care that the boys were sure to find me and see me and nearly crap their pants because I said I wasn't coming back or ever seeing them again.

   I walked with Annabelle to our seats cautiously. Jealous looks of Fangirls glared at us for taking two seats in the front row. I swallowed and took a glance at the stage. Burly men were hooking speakers up in various places and adjusting microphones. A large sing that read Rock Out With Your Socks Out covered a large portion of the stage. I bet Ashton's drum kit was hidden behind the sign. An electronic banner above the stage ran a feed of some of their tweets.
     "I am kind of excited." I told Annabelle, who was busy conversing with another fan sitting next to us.
   She turned around when she heard my voice. "Oh good!"

   "So, who's your favorite?" I asked my friend. I didn't know much about Annabelle's obsession with the band so I decided to figure some stuff out.
   "Oh, I don't know. Some days it's Calum that I want to make out with." She started. I choked when I heard her words. I shuddered at the thought. "But then I see Ashton's arm muscles and I die. But then Luke and Michael are so cute." She sighs sadly. "But Luke and Ashton have girlfriends. So I guess I'll stick to Calum."
   My eyes nearly popped out of my skull in surprise. "Girlfriends?" My words came out as a choked whisper. He had really moved on that quickly. I'm happy for Ashton because he deserves someone who cares for him. But Luke? I try to push away the jealously growing like a weed in my chest. "What are their names?" I asked more chalantly.
    "Ashton's dating this model Brianna. They are so cute together." She gushed. But a sour look crossed her face. "And Luke's dating Arzaylea." She crinkled up her nose. "Nobody likes her except Luke, I guess. She's kind of a bitch to the rest of the band and the fans. I don't know why Luke dates her." A chill ran across my body as I pictured Luke with another girl.

She must be pretty bad to have Annabelle cuss her out because Annabelle is generally a nice person. She's really innocent when you first meet her but then she gets goofy when you get closer to her. She may be a little dumb at first, but she is trustworthy.
"Oh my gosh!" She screamed. Roars of screaming surrounded me. I panicked and looked around. Why were they all screaming so loudly? "There's Ashton!" She yelled and pointed to a dark figure hidden on the corner of the stage. She grasped my arm and nearly fainted. He gave a wave to everyone and the noise level increased by tons. And there was only one of them out there!

All of this blew my mind. I knew they had some fans but never this many. Never this size. They started out so small but now they have more fans than I could have ever imagined from them. I thought they would always be the band in the background with no drama and very few hits. But I was wrong. They were so popular now. And I was left in the dust without them.

A girl sitting to my left was on her phone. She looked pretty nice. "Hey, are you excited?" I asked her, sitting down in my seat and waiting for the screaming to stop.
She looked up at me, her deep blue eyes startling me. "Definitely. Is this your first time seeing them?" She asked me.
"Is it that obvious?" I chuckled. She nodded.
"Yeah. You look nervous as hell. Don't worry, their concerts are pretty chill and totally the opposite of punk rock." She giggled softly at her own joke and I smiled.

"Can you keep a secret?" I whispered in her ear. She nodded eagerly with her eyes wide. "Okay, I need to know your name first." I asked her.
"Shannon Rex. Yours?" She asked quickly. Rex seems like a nice last name.
"Brinley Tomlinson." I said hesitantly. I don't know why I was going out on a limb with her, but I was.
"Oh god. Aren't you-?" She pointed with her eyes wide and a small grin curled on her lips. "I can keep quiet. But this is as close as I can get to meeting a celebrity."
I laughed. "So anyways, my secret is that I used to be friends with them." I said, motioning to the stage and referring to 5 Seconds of Summer.
"That's so cool!" She whispered back to me. "What's it like?"
"It's really fun. But I left then without saying why and I don't think they'll want to see me here." I said grimly.
"Why are you here then?" She asked innocently.
"My friends dragged me without telling me who we were seeing. She doesn't know the secret though." I said with a wink.
"You secret is safe with me."

A/N: we are getting closer and closer!!! Okay byeeee🤖

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