Chapter 11

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       I turned off the tv and just stared it the black screen for a long time. I was quite horrified by how fast news can spread through the Internet.
      After a lot of thoughts running around in my head, Calum opened the sliding door to the room. He froze when he saw me. His tall and skinny frame stopped short when he saw me with my head in my hands in the couch.

  "Uh, hi? What's up?" He said, announcing his presence to me in the room. My head shot up and I quickly stood with my phone and bowl in hand.
   "Oh hi. I was just, uh-doing some stuff." I stammered under my breath. I couldn't really care about this whole situation, right? If I actually cared I would be crying and I'm not so I don't care. This will all blow over. It'll be fine.

   Calum raised an eyebrow. "What kind of stuff?" He asked. I closed my eyes and chewed the inside of my cheek.
   "Just watching the news and stuff..." I trailed off, hoping to escape an awkward situation.
    I started to walk out but Calum grabbed my arm before I could exit the room.

  A tiny, knowing smile settle on his plump lips as he said to me, "So I guess you saw all the crap on social media a about you and Luke."
   I jerked my arm away roughly and made a face. "There is no 'me and Luke'!" I exploded on him for no reason   "Why do people keep saying that we are a couple?" I threw my hand in the air.

  "What other people?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me. My nostrils flared and I shook my head.
    "Never mind." I walked away from him before he could say any other words.

I walked into the front of the bus where there was no one driving. We were parked in a car park somewhere between Perth and Melbourne. The driver was out getting food.
I collapsed into the seat and stared out of the windshield, letting my thoughts consume me as I grew further and further away from being awake.
But my head snapped back into real-life-world when Luke sat next to me in the passenger seat. My body went on caution mode, as if he was a warning label on a CD.
He didn't say anything as I shot him a sideways glance that could send birds flying.

Finally, I said something. "You know, an apology would be nice." I kept an angered look on his face.
Then he got angry as I remained calmer. "Me apologize? You dumped water on my head!" He protested in a loud voice. I stared at him with a poker face.
When he finally put in his big boy pants and calmed down, he ran his long fingers through his messy blonde hair. I bit my lip and braced myself for what was coming next.
He cursed under his breath and closed his eyes for a split second. He then turned his head to me and nearly yelled. "Look, I'm sorry, okay!" I crossed my arms and turned away from him, looking at the rows of RVs from out my window.
"That didn't sound very genuine." I taunted him. Honestly, I was still mad that he had decided to make a song about me without my consent. And that we were caught by paparazzi at the party, shows what the public called "affection". More like "I-want-to-slit-his-throat-and-hang-him-on-a-tree-branch".
I could nearly hear the anger and frustration radiating off of his tall, muscular body.
"I'm so sorry, so very sorry." He said with annoyance thick like venom in his words.

I tsked him and shook my finger. "That sounded too sarcastic. Try more of a genuine tactic. Try and find some good in that jet black heart of yours."
"Brinley," he started with a tone of sorrow in his voice. "I am sorry for writing an amazing song about you and performing it without telling you and getting us in trouble with management. Do you forgive me?" He sounded sincere, like he actually cared.

I turned back to him, my finger tapping my chin. "Still no."
   Luke held his head in his hands and took three deep breaths.
   "Look, I'm trying to be nice to you!"
  He looked beyond furious now, but his pleading eyes made it seem like he wanted to make peace.
      I huffed and looked at him, into his deep blue eyes, getting lost in the sea of deep waves, an ocean of secrets.
    "All I know is that when we first met, you were not nice at all and then you go and make me look like a fool in front of a lot of people." I said to him, not breaking my cold front.
    "And I am genuinely sorry for that. Really." He said, dropping his hands from his face.

   "Fine." I sighed. Being rude was a lot harder than being nice.
   "So we're good now?" He asked excitedly.
  "We're not killing each other, no." I said, making it clear. "But we are not friends yet."

"No, you need to earn that."

A/N: very sorry for the short ass chapter. Really, I am. But I had to write this on a bus with a bunch of Latin nerds and sixth graders singing so I didn't get to concentrate. Next one will be better! Okay byeeee🍾

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