The Merman

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I don't own H2O: Just Add Water

My name is Will Johnson. I am fifteen years old. I have the troubles of a typical, every day teenage boy. Girls, school, and the list could keep going if I wanted it to. There's just one tiny difference from me to any other teenage boy.

I'm a merman.

Yeah you heard me right. I am a merman. You know, half human and half fish, all that good stuff. You're probably thinking how I became merman right? Of course you are. I changed into a merman a few years ago when I was visiting family on the coast of California. I went out to explore by myself and I stumbled upon a cave and I was curious to what was inside. Well, curiosity killed the cat and I ventured into the dim cave. For a little while, the only thing I saw was a complete void of darkness. As my eyes started to adjust, I noticed that there was a pool of water at the center of the cave. It looked so..... inviting. It was like the water was actually calling to me and telling me to go into it. I walked over to the edge of the pool and stuck my feet in the warm water. Not long after, my whole body plunged into the pool. As my head popped up from the water, something strange happened. The water was bubbling. Then I saw little sparkles float upwards. When I looked up, I saw the full moon overhead as it peaked through the opening at the top of the cave. As the last bit of it disappeared into the night, the pool stopped bubbling. Well that was weird, I thought. I swam around some more, enjoying the serene environment, and then I got out. I knew it was late, so I walked out of the cave and headed back to my aunt and uncles house.

As I walked through the door, I saw my mom in the kitchen. "Hey Mom, I'm back," I said strolling into the kitchen.

"Hey Willie," my mom said with a smile. My whole family calls me Willie a lot. I didn't mind though, figuring that even my friends call me that sometimes. "Where were you?"

I just shrugged. "I just went out to see the town," I said. I thought that maybe I should keep the cave to myself. If I told my mom I was there, she would become a worry wart and scold me for going there.

"Okay," she said with a nod.

"Is everyone else asleep?" I asked referring to my brother, sister, and dad. I already knew that my aunt and uncle were asleep because this is the time they always go to bed.

"Yeah. You should get some sleep too. You don't want to be too tired tomorrow."

"Okay, night Mom," I said and went over to give her a goodnight hug.

"Night Willie," my mom said returning the hug.

I went upstairs and flopped down onto my bed. I was beat. As I started to shut my eyes, I thought about that pool that I was at earlier. Little did I know that starting tomorrow, my life would change forever. I then drifted off to a deep sleep.

 The next morning, I woke up early and glanced at the clock. 7:00am it read as I hopped off my bed and went to the closet for a bathing suit. When I'm close to the beach, I usually wake up early and go for swims in the ocean, without my parents knowing of course. After I got my bathing suit on, I crept downstairs and snuck out the door. When I was walking to the beach, I heard the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore. Another thing that was good about early morning swims is that no one is at the beach, so I can have it all to myself. I arrived at the beach and stood at the edge of the shore, where the water was really close to touching my feet. I took a deep breathe then dived into the ocean. I started swimming around, but after about ten seconds, my legs got all tingly and started to fuse together. As I saw this, my eyes widened in awe. I then saw a bright light, which made me shield my eyes. As the light dimmed away, I took a glance down at my legs. The funny thing was that my legs weren't even legs at all. They were now a long aqua blue tail. What is going on! I thought to myself in panic. My mind then drifted to the events of last night, and remembered how the pool bubbled when the full moon was over it. I knew that what happened last night had to contribute somehow to what was happening now. After staring for another five minutes at my tail, I thought to myself, why not test my new tail? Since my initial shock was now over, I figured why not? Then I moved my tail to start swimming and surprisingly, not long after I started swimming, I was out in the open water. Swimming felt so natural to me. I probably was now able to swim faster than a dolphin. I wanted to see how fast I could swim, so I flicked my tail as fast as I could, then suddenly, bubbles appeared around me and I sped off faster than a rocket. I halted myself and thought, Cool! I was really starting to like this tail. I figured that I should swim back to shore so I could get back to the house before my parents woke up. I sped off in the direction of the shore. Once I got back, I lied on the sand, wondering of my legs would come back. After five minutes, they finally returned. I smiled then stood up and walked back to where I had placed my water bottle that I had brought. As I was walking, I stubbed my toe on a rock. In pain, I clenched my fists together, making the water behind me started to boil and steam. Stunned, I clenched my hand into a fist again and for the second time, the water started to boil. Awesome! It looked like I had the power to heat and boil water. When I came to my water bottle, I went to twist off the cap, but the cap undid itself and water flew from the bottle shaped like a coil. It looked like there was an endless supply of water. I stopped moving my hand in the twisting motion and the water went back into the bottle. It looked like I had the power to control and move water too. I smirked and got up and started to walk back to the house. I then realized I had to keep my.... merman side, as I liked to call it, to myself. If people found out, I could get dissected! Maybe I could even be an exhibit! I didn't want that to happen, so I kept my mouth shut. To this day, no one knows my secret but me. I would like to keep it that way.

 That happened when I was ten, and now, my family is traveling to the Gold Coast of Australia. I've heard that the oceans there were crystal blue, so you could bet that I was excited to go there. My family and I got on our plane, and as I got situated in my surprises were going to be waiting for me at the Gold Coast.

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