The Birthday Boy

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My eyes flickered open as I let out a long yawn and sat up from my bed. I remembered that everything was back to normal and that I didn't have to worry about Denman anymore. But something in the back of my head told me that today was an important day. I shot a glance at the calendar on the wall. August 26th it read. Wait a minute, today's my...

"Happy birthday!" my mom shouted as she came into my room with a plate of my favorite breakfast, the traditional pancakes and bacon. It wasn't like Cleo's, who told me hers was pancakes with peanut butter and banana and some other stuff. It was such a weird combination, but I didn't complain. "How's my sixteen year old?" my mom asked with a grin plastered on her face.

"I'm great. Thanks for the breakfast Mom," I said as she handed me the plate. I started to devour everything on it.

"Oh, and the girls wanted me to tell you to meet them at the JuiceNet Cafe."

They better not be planning anything. I thought. "Okay, thanks Mom." After eating my breakfast, I threw some clothes on and made my way downstairs. I bumped into Kaylie on the way.

"Hey Will!" she said happily. "How does it feel to be sixteen? I feel so good right now!"

"I feel the exact same way I did yesterday," I joked.

"Way to kill the mood," she said as she playfully punched my arm. "Where are you going anyway?"

"The JuiceNet. Mom told me that the girls wanted me to meet them there."

"Okay, cool! I'm going to spend the day with Carrie!" Carrie was this girl that my sister started to hang out with not long after we came to Australia. I have yet to see her, but from what I've heard, she's pretty nice. "And Will, I don't know if you noticed, but you're starting to pick up the Australian accent. It suits you!"

"Really?" I asked in astonishment. That quick? I wasn't complaining though. I loved having an accent. When I lived in the states, I would always complain about how the American accent is so bland. "That's awesome!" I grinned. "Well, enjoy your time with Carrie!" I said as I opened the front door and began my trek to the JuiceNet. As I approached the entrance, everything was dead silent. I slowly walked in inspecting the place to see if anyone was going to jump out. After I let my guard down, I heard a barrage of voices.

"Surprise!" they all screamed as everyone leaped out of their hiding spots. The gang was all here, including Wilfred who was the owner of the JuiceNet, and a few other people that I got to know in the neighborhood.

"Happy birthday Will!" Lauren grinned as she leapt into my arms and gave me a peck on the lips.

I was then approached by Lewis, Rikki, Cleo, and Emma. "Happy birthday Will!" they all said at the same time.

"Thanks guys!" I said happily. Even if I didn't like to make a big deal of my birthday, what the guys did for me was just too nice. "Yo Wilfred!" I called over to him.

"What's up?" he called.

"Give us a round of smoothies!"

"Coming right up! And don't worry, they're on the house!"

That's why I love this neighborhood; there are so many nice people in it. Well, besides Zane, but that's beside the point. "Thanks Wilfred!" Everyone was having a good time. People were smiling and laughing. As the gang and I sat at our usual booth, Zane walked in.

"Hey Will, I heard it was your birthday!" he called over to me. "If this is seriously how you celebrate a birthday, you really need to get a life!" I didn't feel like dealing with Zane, so while my hand was under the table, I clenched my fist together and blew up the smoothie next to him all over his face. "What the?!" Zane yelled.

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