Love Potion #9

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The girls and I were walking through the marine park. Well, not Rikki. She was somewhere with Zane which surprisingly, didn't make me cringe anymore. I've grown to respect him, although he's still obnoxious at times. Cleo and I both didn't need to work today, so we were just enjoying ourselves. That's when Lewis ran up to us like his life depended on it. "Hey guys!" he called over to us. "What would be the most important scientific discovery of the year?"

"Somewhere to hold our school dance," Emma said quickly. Emma had been fretting about it so much. She was trying to find a place to hold it, but to no avail.

"Incorrect," Lewis said.

"Correct," Cleo interrupted. "The marine park overbooked and now we don't have a venue for the dance."

We then started to walk. "Relax," Lewis said. "Someone else will look after it."

"That 'someone else' is us," Emma said meaning Cleo and herself. "I'm the chairperson of the organizing committee."

"Well, I'm working on a scientific way that will make it easier for you guys to be mermaids," Lewis grinned.

I playfully punched Lewis in the arm. "What about me?" I asked.

"Well, of course you too Will," Lewis corrected himself.

Then Emma suggested something about how we could have the dance in the street. That's when she realized what she just said. "I'm losing it, aren't I?" she asked.

Cleo nodded. "How 'bout the cafe?" Lewis suggested.

"Brilliant!" Emma said. "That's way more intamate than a function room!"

"And there's still enough room for dancing!" Cleo added.

"You're a genius Lewis!" Emma said in thanks.

Suddenly, I familiar person caught my eye. "Hey," Cleo got our attention. "There's Miss Chatham."

"Can't we just wave?" Lewis asked with an annoyed expression. The girls paid no attention to him and walked off to meet up with Miss Chatham. Naturally, we followed.

We met up with Miss Chatham by one of the dolphin tanks. A dolphin squeaked when we were nearby. "He sensed you're upset," Miss Chatham said. "I sensed it from him."

"A mind reading dolphin?" Lewis asked in disbelief.

"Oh, a lot of sea creatures are empathetic," Miss Chatham explained. "It's like a kind of magic. I mean not the kind where you make things disappear, they'd need a wand for that," Miss Chatham smirked.

"Fortunately, there's a thing called science to help the magic along," Lewis said proudly.

"Lewis is trying to figure out a scientific way to make it easier for us to be mermaids," Cleo said. She then looked to me. "Sorry, I forgot there's a merman too," she shrugged.

"It won't work," Miss Chatham said quickly.

"Well, it might let them mind meld with the jellyfish, but it will give them a chance to live like normal human beings," Lewis explained

"Well, no one could mind meld with the jellyfish," Miss Chatham argued. "They're jellyfish. And the girls and Will are not normal human beings.

"Yes, they are," Lewis shot back. "What's happened to them might seem magical, but the cure will be scientifical."

"Can science explain why whales sing?" Miss Chatham asked.

"Yes. Yes it can," Lewis nodded.

"Can it tell you what they're singing about?" Lewis was speechless. Man, Miss C. still has some spark.

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