Happy Birthday Cleo

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As we walked to the JuiceNet, I saw that Cleo had a sour look on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, it's nothing," Cleo said.

"Are you sure?" I asked not believing a word she said.

"Yes, I'm sure," she said sternly.

I threw my hands up in surrender. "Okay, I get it." Once we arrived at the JuiceNet, we saw Rikki standing outside. "Rikki!" I called to her.

"Hey guys!" she said. "Emma and Lauren are inside. They'll be out soon."

"Okay cool!" Cleo smiled.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lewis walking away with Zane. I nudged Cleo with my arm. "Look at that," I said motioning to Zane and Lewis.

"What do you think that is?" Cleo asked skeptically.

"Nothing good," Rikki replied.

Emma and Lauren then came out of the JuiceNet. "Hey! There she is!" Emma said happily. "Last day as a fifteen year old! Let's celebrate!"

"That's really not necess-" Cleo began, but was cut off by Rikki and Lauren.

"It's your birthday?" Lauren asked incredulously.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Rikki added.

Emma turned to Wilfred. "Wilfred, wheatgrass smoothies all around please."

Wilfred smiled. "Coming right up."

"And you know what the best part is?" Emma asked as she sat down. "I can come to your party this year!"

"Well there's not gonna be a..." Cleo tried to protest.

"What's been stopping you?" Rikki asked.

"The past few years I've had a swimming comp, but this year, I'm ready to party," Emma smiled.

"Great," Cleo said flatly. "Can we change the subject now?"

"Cleo's dad throws the best parties," Emma continued, completely ignoring Cleo's question. "He goes the works! Giant castles, clowns, ponies, of course we were just kids."

"What a guy," Rikki nodded.

"Wish my dad went all out on my birthday," Emma said. "Your dad's just-"

"Look," Cleo cut off. "There's not gonna be a party this year so can we please just drop it?" Cleo then walked away in a huff.

"What do you think's the matter with her?" Emma asked.

"I don't know," Rikki shrugged. "You mention her birthday party and she snaps."

Emma's phone then started to ring. "Hey guys," I said. "I'm gonna go see what's going on with Lewis and Zane."

"Okay," Lauren said. "See ya later."

I gave her a peck in the lips. "See ya." It looked like Zane and Lewis were going to the docks, so that's where I was headed. When I got to the docks, I saw Lewis storming away from Zane's zodiac. "Yo Lewis," I said. "What's wrong?"

"You know the 'sea monster' Zane blabbers about?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Well, the sea monster is you," Lewis said as he held up a drawing. It was a drawing of a tail. It was my tail, the girls' tails.

"That means Zane did see our tails," I sighed. "We gotta be careful. What were you doing with Zane anyway?" I asked.

"I agreed to help him find the sea monster, but now the deal is off."

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