The News

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Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter! Okay, so maybe I didn't update on Wednesday, just really really early on Thursday. It's better than nothing, right? On another note, my sister and brother found out that I watch H2O. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! My sister actually watched an episode with me! Well, here's the next chapter! Enjoy! I do not own H2O: Just Add Water.

As I neared the docks, I looked through my house window and saw my parents sitting together on the couch. They both had serious looks on their faces. Oh no, I thought. This could be bad. I mean, what if they're getting a divorce? I wouldn't know what to do. I quickly hopped up onto the dock and steam dried myself. Seconds later, Lewis's boat appeared. Kyle and Kaylie hopped onto the dock. "Thanks Lewis," Kaylie smiled.

"No problem," Lewis replied as the boat revved up. "See ya later," he waved.

After he was gone, we started to make our way inside. "What do you think is going on?" I asked.

"I have no idea," Kyle said. I looked at Kaylie and she just shrugged in response.

When we opened the door, our parents looked straight at us. It might've just been me, but I think I saw a little hint of a smile on their faces. "C'mon guys, sit down," my dad gestured to the couch opposite of him.

Once we sat down, I was the first to speak. "So what's this all about?" I asked curiously.

My mom smiled. "Do you kids remember how I wasn't feeling so well the past few weeks?"

"Yeah," Kyle nodded. It was true, these past couple of weeks, my mom hasn't been so hot. She kept getting sick and sometimes she even threw up.

"Well, how would you three feel if there was another addition to the Johnson family?" my dad smiled.

It took a while for the realization to finally hit me. "Wait a minute," I began. "Are you saying..."

"Yes Will," my mom nodded. "I'm pregnant."

The thought of having another sibling was more than enough to make me leap with joy. "Woooooo! Alright!" I screamed happily.

Kaylie snickered at my attitude. "Congratulations Mom and Dad!"

"About how far along are you Mom?" I asked finally settling down from my excitement.

"About five months. Your father and I don't know the genders yet though."

"Whoa wait a minute, let's take one step back," I said. "Did you just say genders, as in you're having more than one baby?"

"Yes Will," my dad confirmed. "In fact, when we went to get an ultrasound, we found out that we are having another set of twins."

"I guess it runs in the family," Kyle laughed and shot a glance at Kaylie and me.

"What amazes me," my mom began. "Is that you three were so busy, that you didn't realize my baby bump! Well, it's okay because we wanted to surprise you anyway!" my mom laughed.

Suddenly, my head started to hurt. "Ugh," I moaned. "I think I'm goona go lie down for a bit. My head is killing me."

"Do you want medicine?" my mom asked.

"No," I waved her off. "I just need some rest."

"Okay," my mom said. "Feel better."

"Thanks," I said as I made my way upstairs. For some reason, all I wanted to do was sleep. It was probably because all of the havoc I caused last night. It must've tired me out. As soon as I walked into my room, I fell into my bed. When my head touched the pillow, I was out like a light.

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