In Too Deep

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Alex and I were walking on the beach, talking about usual stuff. Cleo was working at the marine park, Rikki was most likely with Zane, and it still makes me a little uneasy. Emma and Lauren were out doing who knows what, and Lewis was... just Lewis. Suddenly, while Alex and I were talking, the subject of Bella came up. "Do you think she misses us?" Alex asked.

"Of course she does," I said without a second thought.

"Then why hasn't she called us, or done anything to contact us?" Alex asked curiously.

"Maybe she just doesn't have the time," I reasoned.

Alex looked at me and smiled. "You always did have a soft spot for her," he said.

"Well, I was her first friend after all," I replied.

"True," Alex agreed. "So how did you keep your secret from us for so long?" Alex asked.

"Believe me, I was so close to telling you guys," I admitted. "It was getting really hard to keep."

"Now that I think about it, you seemed to really be on edge around water back in the states. I guess I understand why now."

"Hey, I'm gonna head to the JuiceNet," I said. "You wanna tag along?"

Alex sighed. "I would, but my mom wants me back to clean and whatnot."

"I guess I'll catch you later then," I waved as I began my trek to the JuiceNet. When I walked into the JuiceNet, I saw Rikki talking to Lewis. Lewis was rambling on about something.

"...Window cleaning, bikini car washing," I heard him say.

"Oh you are funny," Rikki said as she pointed a finger at Lewis. "You are hysterical." I sat next to Rikki. "No, I'm serious, this is really important."

"What's so important?" I interrupted

"Oh, hey Will," Rikki said. "I was with... Zane earlier," she said cautiously.

"Go on," I rolled my eyes.

"And I saw a locket that looked exactly like Cleo's," she continued. "We went to Miss Chatham and found out that it belonged to Julia. Cleo's locket belonged to Gracie and Miss Chatham still has hers. The three lockets are part of a set. We are trying to come up with enough money to buy Julia's locket for Miss Chatham," Rikki explained.

"Wow," I said. "Why didn't I know about this sooner?" I asked. Rikki shrugged. "Oh, so it's a 'mermaids only' type of thing? I get it," I said with a laugh.

"No, I'm serious this is really important," Rikki said bluntly. She then turned to Lewis. "You know, this means a lot to Cleo too," Rikki said innocently.

Lewis immediately looked away from the computer screen. "Cleo?" he asked. He was falling right into Rikki's trap.

"She'll be really cut if we don't get this," Rikki nodded. "I think, in fact I know, she would really really appreciate your help."

Lewis thought for a moment. "Leave it to me," he said. "I am on it. I am gonna raise that money," he concluded as he walked out, passing Miriam along the way.

"You played him like an instrument," I laughed.

"I do my best," Rikki smirked.

"Miriam!" I heard Tiffany, Miriam's friend exclaim.

"Do you like it?" Miriam asked. "My new locket?"

I then looked at the locket around Miriam's neck. I recognized it as one of the original mermaids' locket. By the way Miriam was intentionally boasting and staring at Rikki, I knew she got it to tick Rikki off. It was probably Julia's; the one Rikki was trying to buy. I saw Rikki glare at Miriam, with daggers in her eyes. This won't be good.

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