Feelings Emerge

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"So we really did all of that stuff?" Cleo asked surprised.

I had just told her and Emma what happened with them on the full moon. They didn't like it one bit. "Yeah, can't you see my cuts and bruises?" I laughed.

"Sorry about that," Emma said with an apologetic look.

"Don't worry about it," I shrugged. I then turned to Lauren. "Guys, this is Lauren," she smiled shyly. "She was moonstruck with you guys last night."

"So she's the mermaid you saw yesterday?" Cleo asked.

"Yep," I smiled. "And don't worry, she's cool."

Then Lauren introduced herself to Cleo and Emma. They warned up to her very quickly, and before I knew it, they were laughing and talking about some of the things that came with their mermaidness, like powers and such. Suddenly, Lewis came through the door. "That was some night!" he laughed.

"Tell me about it," I sighed.

"Oh, who is this?" Lewis asked as he approached Lauren with a friendly smile.

"That's Lauren, she's the mermaid I saw yesterday. She was moonstruck with Cleo and Emma."

"Well, it's nice to meet you," Lewis said as he extended his hand.

"Likewise," Lauren shook Lewis's hand.

"Hey," I said. "Anyone feel like going to the JuiceNet?"

"Sorry Will," Emma said. "Cleo, Rikki and I are going shopping for school clothes. At the mention of school, I cringed. School was starting in two weeks, and I hated knowing that summer would soon end. I then turned to Lewis.

"Sorry," he said. "My parents need me to do chores around the house."

I frowned, then turned to Lauren, hoping she would say yes. "I'm free," she said. "Sure."

I smiled and we started to walk out of Emma's house. "You two play nice!" Rikki screamed from behind us. Lauren blushed a crimson red, which I thought was adorable.

As we were walking, she asked me a question that I didn't expect. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

I decided to mess with her a little bit. "Well, I am friends with girls, so yeah!" I smirked.

She playfully shoved me to the side. "You know what I mean!" she laughed.

"Nah, I'm single," I said with a shrug. Her eyes seemed to light up as I said that, but I didn't pay too much attention to that. We arrived at the JuiceNet, so I led her inside to the booth where the gang and I always sit. A waitress came by to take our order.

"What can I get for you two?" she asked.

"Cranberry Booster," Lauren and I said at the same time. We grinned at each other.

"Coming right up!" The waitress said as she walked away.

As Lauren and I engaged in conversation, I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful green orbs. "Will?" Lauren asked as she waved her hand in my face. "You okay?"

"You're so beautiful," I blurted out without realizing it. When it finally registered in my brain, my face became as red as a rose and I looked away into space, trying to avoid eye contact.

Lauren was red in the face too, and it was silent until Lauren spoke. "I've never been called beautiful before," she whispered.

"I'm surprised you don't hear it often," I said shocked. She looked at me. Before I knew it, I started to lean in to kiss her. As we were mere inches away from each other's faces, the waitress came back at the last second and we pulled away.

"Two Cranberry Boosters!" she smiled. As she walked away, Lauren and I locked eyes. We didn't speak anymore after that. When we were finished our smoothies, I paid the waitress and we left the JuiceNet.

"Walk me home?" Lauren asked shyly.

"Sure," I smiled at her. "Where do you live?"

"It's a big green house down the road, you can't miss it," she said. I nodded and we headed towards her house. While we were walking, I subconsciously interlocked hands with Lauren. Instead of pulling away, she just squeezed my hand softly. She then rested her head on my shoulder. I could see a smile forming on her face. I don't know how, but just by seeing her smile, I knew she was the one for me. We walked like that all the way to her house. Could my life get any better? I thought.

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