The Power Presentation

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Once Rikki and I got to the mainland, we dried ourselves off and started to walk back to Cleo's house. We playfully argued about which one of us won our race. After what seemed like endless bickering, we finally reach an agreement that the race was a tie. When we reached Cleo's house, we saw a cautious Cleo walk out the door. "Is everything okay now?"

I had a huge grin on my face. "It's all good!"

"Yep!" Rikki added with an equally huge grin.

"Fantastic!" Cleo breathed. "Now can you two come inside? We need to talk about things."

Knowing what she meant, we both headed inside and went up to Cleo's room, where Lewis and Emma were waiting. Once we entered the room, I spoke. "Everything's fine now," I said to diffuse any questions about what happened. I looked to Lewis. "I guess you know about merpeople?" I questioned.

"Yeah," he replied. "Don't worry though, I can keep the secret." I nodded in thanks.

"So how long have you three been mermaids?" I asked gesturing to the girls.

"Just recently, actually," Emma said. "I would say about a month or two ago.

"Wow really?" I asked surprised. "What are your powers?"

"I have the power to shape and move water," Cleo said.

"I can heat and boil water," Rikki added.

"And I can freeze water," Emma finished.

Two of those powers sounded very close to mine. "So when did you become a merman?" Rikki asked.

"Five years ago," I replied.

They all looked at me with shocked expressions. "Are you serious?" Rikki asked. The look on her face just made me want to burst out laughing.

"Serious as a heart attack," I smirked.

"What are your powers?" Cleo asked. I thought it would be better if I just showed them, so I looked towards Cleo's fish tank. With a flick of my wrist, a sphere of water rose from the tank. As I held it in the air, I aimed my free hand at the sphere and clenched it together. The sphere then evaporated into thin air, like it was never there.

"So you have both me and Cleo's powers," Rikki said. "Cool!"

I smirked. I still had more in store for them. I pushed my hands out in front of me and suddenly, a fierce wind blew through the room. I think relaxed my hands. As quick as it had come, the wind left without a trace.

"Did you just do that?" Lewis asked perplexed.

"Yep," I replied. "But that's not all." Lewis and the girls had confusion displayed on their faces. "Look out the window." They did as I told and glanced out the window. It was very sunny out, but that was about to change. I lifted both hands to the ceiling and just then, the sky started to darken. I then shot my hands towards the ground. As I did that, lightning started to strike the ground out front of Cleo's house. As I eased up, the sky returned to its previous state of sunshine.

All of them turned around and I just smiled. "How did you..." Emma said breathlessly.

"I got these powers after getting moonstruck and going back to the moon pool I transformed in. Or at least that's what I think happened. I usually can't remember what happens to me when I'm moonstruck. I'm assuming that you girls will get upgrades on your powers as well, in time."

"Okay, cool!" Rikki said.

"Oh!" Cleo yelped. "Speaking of moonstruck, that old lady came to me again and reminded me of the full moon in a couple days!"

"Do you think she knows your a mermaid?" I asked.

"I dunno," she answered. "Every time I want to ask her a question, she disappears," Cleo sighed.

"Hey," I began trying to lighten the mood. "Who wants to go to the JuiceNet?"

"I'm in!" Rikki said. I looked to everyone else and saw that they had grins on their faces. I knew what that meant, so we all left Cleo's house and headed to the JuiceNet, all of us talking and laughing the whole way there. I was starting to like being at the Gold Coast.

When we arrived at the JuiceNet, we strode over to our usual booth and sat down. The same waitress from last time came to take our orders. "What can I get for you?" she asked.

"Cranberry Booster," we all said at the same time. We looked to each other then burst out laughing.

"I'll be back with them in a jiffy!" the waitress giggled. She then left to go get our smoothies. Suddenly, an unfamiliar face, at least to me, walked up to our booth. As he approached, Lewis and the girls' faces fell.

"What do you want Zane?" Cleo sighed.

"Nothing," he said. "I just wanted to give you guys some drinks. There on the house."

"Why?" Rikki asked suspiciously.

"You looked thirsty," Zane said as he walked away. "Enjoy."

Cleo shrugged and took a sip, then immediately spit it back out.

"Prune juice?" Emma asked. Cleo nodded.

"That was real mature Zane," Rikki said sarcastically.

"Is he always like this?" I asked a little irritated.

"Pretty much," Lewis confirmed.

"Who's that girl with him," I gestured towards the girl sitting next to Zane.

"She's Miriam," Emma said. "She always causes trouble for us."

I just looked at Zane and Miriam, knowing that they would cause trouble for us in the future. Then, our smoothies came. We started to drink them and talk about things that were different from Zane and Miriam. I told them about the time where I was swimming with a dolphin back in California. He even let me hold his fin and ride him! Even as we talked about our lives, my mind kept drifting to Zane. Somewhere and somehow, I just knew he would cause some trouble to us later on, and something told me that it was going to be big.

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