The New Girl

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My eyes flickered open. As I looked around, my vision cleared and I saw that I was still at the moon pool. I then remembered the events of last night. I looked next to me to see the mystery mermaid still out cold. After a few minutes of me sitting there not knowing what to do, she finally started to wake up.

"Why... why am I here?" she asked herself.

"You were moonstruck," I answered.

She apparently didn't know I was there, because when I spoke, she jumped in surprise. "Who are you? Why are you here?" she asked in a nervous voice.

I guess she didn't remember that we technically already met. "We'll I did come to stop my friends from doing something reckless, because they were moonstruck too. But as you can see, it didn't work out so well," I said gesturing to my many cuts and bruises. "Oh, and the name's Will."

"I'm Lauren," said the mystery mermaid. It was good to know that I now knew her actual name. "So..." she began. "Did we hurt you badly?" she asked concerned.

"Nah," I said. "Luckily, I used my powers to stop you from hurting me... much," I smirked.

"Wait," Lauren said. "So you're a..." she trailed off.

"Merman," I finished for her.

"Wow, cool!" she said like a giddy little kid.

"Well, since we are here, wanna go for a swim?" Her eyes lit up. It practically looked like her beautiful green eyes were sparkling. There I go again. I thought.

"Sure! I'd love to!" she said happily. We both leaped up off the ground and dove into the moon pool. Ten seconds later, our tails formed. "Nice tail," she giggled as she looked at my aqua blue tail.

"Likewise," I grinned at her. We then sped off into the open ocean. We both showed each other our tricks. One if Lauren's tricks was a continuous flip that got progressively faster. By the end, I was very dizzy. As I shook my dizziness away, two dolphins swam up to us. To me, it looked like they wanted to play. I grinned and grabbed onto one of the dolphins' tails. It cackled with laughter and sped off. I looked behind me to see that Lauren was doing the same thing. As I saw her smile, I couldn't help but get this feeling in my stomach. Rikki was right, and I knew it. Lauren just seemed so full of life. After what felt like hours riding the dolphins, we got off them and waved goodbye. They responded with happy squeals and then swam away. Lauren and I swam back to the mainland where we started to dry. Remembering that Lauren couldn't heat water, I dried her off first.

"Wow! That was so much faster!" she said happily. "Thank you!"

"No problem," I said. I then placed my hand over my tail and dried off. I suddenly realized that I didn't know if the girls were okay. "Hey Lauren," I began. "Would you like to come to my friend's house? I just want to see if she and my other friend Cleo are okay from last night."

"Sure, I would like to meet them anyway," she replied.

"Thanks," I said. As we walked to Emma's house, Lauren and I wanted to find out more about each other.

"So how long have you been a merman?" Lauren asked curiously.

"Five years now," I replied with a grin.

"Wow! That explains why you're an expert at swimming!" she smiled.

"Well I don't want to brag, but I am pretty good!" I joked. Lauren then playfully punched me in the arm. "So how long have you been a mermaid?"

"For almost two years."

"How did you react when you found out?"

"I screamed my head off for about twenty minutes!" Lauren laughed.

I too, started to laugh. So far, we were off to a pretty great start. I really liked this girl. She was the only one to make me nervous around a girl. We finally arrived at Emma's. When we approached the door, it was already open. I looked inside to see Emma and Cleo passed out on the floor. I laughed a little. "It looks like they're doing just fine," I said.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Rikki showed up behind the door. "Will! There you are! What were you doing the whole time? Hooking up with this chick?" she asked pointing to Lauren.

"Very funny Rikki," I said as my cheeks flushed red. "Now can we come in?"

"Yeah, yeah," Rikki waved her hand dismissively and walked into the kitchen. Lauren and I followed her. "So, this is the new mermaid?" Rikki asked curiously.

"How do you know about me?" Lauren asked surprised.

"Well, I saw you earlier when I was at the moon pool, but then you ran away from me," I said.

"I knew you looked familiar!" Lauren said.

I nodded and smiled at her. "So how are the girls?" I asked.

"Well, they came in last night and immediately crashed." Rikki then noticed my cuts and bruises. "Did Cleo and Emma do that to you?" she gasped.

"Yeah, and so did Lauren," I said.

"She was moonstruck too?"

"Yeah. Her, Cleo and Emma caused the moon pool to go haywire. Lauren just smiled nervously. Suddenly, Emma and Cleo began to awake.

"What happened last night?" Cleo yawned.

"It's a long story," I said as I started to explain the whole situation to her and Emma.

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