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A lot has happened in these past few weeks. Rikki almost killed a guy because he used her to smuggle fish. Once she found out, well, it wasn't pretty. I mean it really wasn't. And get this, Zane tried to windsurf around Mako Island! Probably was trying to beat his dad's record or something. Long story short, Rikki and I had to go save his sorry ass from being eaten by sharks. We made sure he didn't see us though. On the last full moon, Cleo got moonstruck and turned into a siren! Her voice attracted every guy in town! Well, except me. Being a merman made me immune to her siren effect, and man was I glad! I didn't want to be all up on Cleo, because Lauren probably wouldn't have liked that! I've been seeing Emma hang with this kid, Byron, a lot and it makes me think if they are a couple. Oh well, it's not my business! And to top it all off, Carrie has been constantly trying to get my attention. It wasn't only annoying to me, but to the rest of the gang as well, especially Lauren. Right now, I was with Emma. We were just relaxing along the dock's edge. Suddenly, we heard Zane screaming at someone.

We both turned around to see him screaming at not just anybody, but it was Miss Chatham. At least that's what I thought her name was. I wasn't sure if I would see her again, but here she is now. "Wake up lady! Get with it!" I heard Zane shout at her.

Emma and I intervened before Zane could give her a heart attack. "Zane!" Emma said sternly. "Don't be rude!"

I scoffed. "That's gonna be pretty hard for Zane." Zane shot me a glare, but I shot one right back. He rolled his eyes and looked back at Miss C.

"Give the lady a chance to speak," Emma continued.

"This old bag's boat broke free and hit mine!" Zane whined. "It put a scratch on my jet ski! Look!" Emma and I took a glance at his oh so precious jet ski. It barely had a scratch on it. Zane was just being Zane.

"I said I'm sorry," Miss C said.

"She said she's sorry," Emma clarified.

"That's not gonna pay for the damage is it?" Zane asked angrily. "I bet she doesn't even have insurance. This boat shouldn't even be here. It's an embarrassment!"

Zane was pissing me off. "Hey Zane, here's an idea. Shut up," I said flatly.

"Will's right," Emma agreed. "You're over reacting, even for you."

"Am I?" Zane asked. "We'll see what the harbor master thinks," Zane said coldly as he walked off.

"Don't worry, he's all talk," Emma reassured.

"Thank you Emma, Will," Miss C. said. I just smiled while Emma had a confused look plastered on her face. "Come aboard," Miss C. said with her hand outstretched. I gladly strolled inside while Emma was a bit hesitant. Once inside, Miss C. started to pour glasses of tea. She handed two glasses to Emma and me as I stayed standing and Emma took a seat in the corner.

"Thank you," Emma and I said.

After Emma took a sip, she spoke again. "You're her," she said.

Miss C. grinned. "That's perceptive."

"She's the lady Cleo always talks about," I elaborated.

"It's nice to be talked about," Miss C. said.

"She never told me you lived on a boat."

"I didn't tell her I was a Capricorn either, but that's another... tail," Miss C. smirked. I just chuckled slightly because I knew that Miss C. knew all about merpeople. I then realized that Emma didn't know this vital piece of information. As my mouth opened to tell her, Miss C. just gave me a look. I then figured that she wanted the girls to find out on their own, so I kept my mouth shut. "Oh, I'm sorry, I've made you uncomfortable," Miss C. said noticing Emma's wariness. "I'm not a very good host. Mind you I haven't had anyone else on board the Lorelei for... Twenty three years."

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