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Finding out that Lewis was going on a worldwide trip with Denman was like a punch to the stomach. "This can't be happening!" Lauren yelled.

"We have to get our DNA samples back!" I said with frustration.

"How can we be sure that she still has the slides?" Lauren asked with confusion.

"Think about it. If a marine biologist like her saw our DNA, I can guarantee that she kept the slides. Also, when Cleo told us about the article on Denman's computer, I knew that she had something up her sleeve."

"That does make sense," Lauren agreed. "So how are we going to get the slides?"

"We gotta sneak back into the marine park and find them."

"Alright I'm in!" Lauren said with a determined look on her face.

"Then let's go!" I say as we both practically sprint back to the docks and dive into the ocean without second thoughts. While we were speeding of to the marine park, I couldn't help but think what would happen if Denman found out where the samples came from. Our lives would never be the same. We would be like exhibits. I shivered at the thought of that. That's why Lauren and I had to get the slides back now. Once inside the marine park, we noticed two mermaid tails under the water. It was Rikki and Emma. Were they here for the same reason we were? Rikki noticed Lauren and me approaching, and the look in her eyes said everything. She and Emma were trying to get the slides back too. We all slowly rose out of the water to see both slides staring us in the face, along with Denman's other equipment. Just as I went to grab them, Denman showed up along with Lewis.

"Doctor Denman," Lewis said as he approached her.

"Lewis?" Denman asked surprised.

"Um... can you... can you be straight with me about something?" Lewis stuttered.

"Anything," Denman replied.

"Did you hold on to those slides of mine?"

"Yes," Denman said without a second thought.

"It's not like you have to...," Lewis stopped short. "Did you say yes?" he asked unbelievably.

"Yes, I did," Denman confirmed. "They're right here with all our Mako slides. And I'm hoping someday Lewis; you'll be a little more forthcoming about where you got them."

"Umm..." was all that Lewis let come from his mouth. As he and Denman were talking, Rikki attempted to grab the slides, but Denman turned in our direction so she shot back into the water.

"Lewis, you've got something extraordinary here; cells that completely change their molecular structure on contact with water."

"That sounds impossible," Lewis shrugged.

"It is impossible, but here it is." Rikki took another go at getting the slides, but it was another failed attempt because Denman shot her eyes back over to them again. "I can't explain it. We need to do a lot more tests," Denman said with anticipation.

"You stole them," Lewis sulked.

"Lewis, I'm sorry I deceived you, but I have no intention of ripping you off. Why do you think I want you on this trip with me?" Rikki and I made several attempts to grab the slides, but to no avail.

"Is it the charm?" Lewis asked hopefully.

"Lewis, do you think you could get more samples like this?" Denman asked motioning to our DNA samples.

"What about trust?" Lewis asked desperately.

Denman draped her arm around Lewis's shoulder. "You can trust me to be a good scientist. Like I said, I believe in your talent."

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