Fish Out of Water

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Before you read, I would like to say that I edited small parts of chapter 34 and 35 because I remembered that Emma doesn't cut herself on coral until the second season, so I changed sentences mentioning her getting cut. It won't affect the story at all so don't worry!

Lauren's POV

Cleo, Emma, and I had just finished watching a movie in the theater. It was about zombies. It wasn't all that scary, but it was good anyway. "That was so scary," Cleo announced.

"They're just people in rubber masks," Emma reassured.

"Not that," Cleo said. "The zombie in the Laundromat that got electrocuted, she was wearing my pink top."

"I missed that," Emma smirked.

"And the zombie on the bus that was drooling slime," Cleo continued. "She was wearing my blue dress!"

"Not your exact dress," Emma laughed.

"Well, it may as well have been! I've gotta do a clean out," Cleo decided. "I cannot be seen wearing the same clothes as a zombie."

Suddenly, Emma stuck her arm out in front of us, stopping us in our tracks. "What?" I asked curiously.

"What's happening?" Cleo asked as she peeked her head around the corner. "Is that Rikki?" Cleo asked pointing to a familiar blonde girl. It was Rikki. She was coming out of Thirty Days of Love. It was a romance movie. Last I checked, Rikki hated romance movies. "What's she doing walking out of Thirty Days of Love? That's a romance movie," Cleo said.

"What's she doing walking out with Zane?" Emma asked with her face scrunched up. "She probably just bumped into him and she's being polite," Emma concluded.

"Rikki's never polite," Cleo said. This was true. If Rikki didn't like someone, she would show it right away. And I know for a fact that she hates Zane. We then saw Zane put his arm around Rikki. Okay, maybe not, I thought.


Will's POV

The girls were out at the movies, leaving me by myself. I didn't mind because I needed to clear my head. Maybe I'll go for a swim to Mako. Before I headed off to Mako, I went to check myself in the mirror. As I looked at myself, I saw and felt my eyes flicker from brown to yellow. I shook my head. I really needed to figure out what was going on. As I headed downstairs, I saw Kyle sitting in the couch. "Where's Kaylie?" I asked.

"She's out doing something," Kyle said simply. "She wouldn't tell me where she was going though."

"Okay," I nodded. "I'll be at Mako, see ya later." I then went out the door and dove into the water. I wasted no time in getting to the moon pool. Once there, I immediately felt that something was off. Like someone was here. "Who's there?" I said. Suddenly, Kaylie came out from behind the land entrance to the moon pool. "The hell are you doing here?" I asked feeling anger well up inside me.

"I just wanted to come here and explore," Kaylie said quickly.

"So why didn't you tell me? Why did you cover up one of your visits here by saying you were going to the mall?" I asked as I got out of the moon pool and dried off.

"I just wanted-" Kaylie began.

"What are you trying to do?" I yelled. On the inside, I really wasn't trying to be this angry or mean. It's as if there was an uncontrollable rage that I couldn't get passed. Suddenly, I felt my eyes switch colors and this time, they stayed yellow. I saw Kaylie make a shocked expression.

"Will, what's wrong with you?" she asked worriedly.

"This isn't your place," I said flatly. "It's mine and the girls. You don't belong here." Suddenly, I saw that lighting was coursing around my hands. Yes, I said lightning. This must be another upgrade from hydro-thermokinesis. It's like electrokinesis, but now I can make lightning form around my hands. I threw my hand in the air and summoned my trident. Throughout all of this, I couldn't control myself. It was like I was moonstruck, but I knew that this was different. I aimed my trident at her.

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