Lewis's Mistake

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When we returned to the mainland, Lauren and I practically sprinted all the way to Emma's house. As we arrived at her doorstep, I pounded on the door. Emma opened it not even a split second later. "Upstairs. Now," was all she said. When Lauren and I entered her room, we saw Cleo and Rikki on Emma's bed, with Lewis sitting in a chair facing them with a guilty expression. Emma and Lauren sat on the bed while I stood next to it with my arms crossed. "Lewis, how could you let Denman get ahold of Cleo and Will's DNA samples?"

"What?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. This was bad. Really bad.

"You don't understand!" Lewis began. "It was an accident! And besides, she's a scientist. This is what scientists do!"

"Sell out their friends?" Rikki asked angrily.

"No, compare notes!" Lewis corrected. "That's the thing about us!"

"Us?!" Rikki and I asked at the same time. I was actually getting angry, which was pretty rare for me. I'm usually the happy-go-lucky kid. I'm always happy. I guess the current situation proved that my last statement was false.

"We scientists. Our need to know is what drives us! Believe me, she's cool."

"What if her need to know ends up with her dissecting us?" Rikki asked.

"Yeah Lewis!" I agreed. "She's a world renowned marine biologist! She'll jump at the chance for a major discovery!"

Lewis tensed up. "She's not like that. Look, I have to go; I'll talk to you guys later. I heated up the doorknob as Lewis headed for the door. Once he touched it, he immediately pulled his hand back in pain. "Ouch! Rikki!" he complained.

"It wasn't Rikki," I smirked.

"Look Will I'm sorry for what happened. She didn't even seem that interested in the slide though."

"You believe that? Lewis, she saw not one, but two different DNA samples that changed form when in contact with water! Of course she's going to be interested!"

"She's not like that!" Lewis defended. "I gotta go."

Once he left, I pounded the wall. "I thought we could trust him," I said sadly.

"Lewis isn't usually this erratic," Cleo shrugged.

"Those in favor of not trusting Lewis as far as we could throw him raise your hands," Rikki said. Both of her hands, along with Lauren's, shot into the air.

"Agreed," Emma said. "Let's keep an eye on him." Her hand was raised now too. Cleo and I were the only two with our hands still lowered.

I didn't realize that I clenched my hands together so hard, that they started to steam. "I gotta go," I said. I then walked out of Emma's house. I needed to clear my head. I decided that Mako Island was the best place to go. As I ran onto the beach, I heard Lauren call after me, so I stopped in my tracks.

"Are you okay?" she asked as she caught up to me.

"I thought Lewis would be more careful. Denman not only saw my DNA, but Cleo's too!"

"We all thought he would be more careful. Look on the bright side; she doesn't know where the DNA came from."

"She'll get it out of him eventually," I said sadly.

"Watch out!" I heard someone say. I turned to see Kyle coming straight towards Lauren and me on his surfboard. We were so close to the water, that when he swerved to avoid hitting us, water sprayed all over us. Lauren and I stared at each other in shock, and then ran into the water. Once our tails formed, I could see Kyle making his way over to us to see if we were okay. "Sorry about that! Are you guys okay?" he asked. He was still too far away to see our tails.

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