The Full Moon Surprise

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The next morning, I was getting prepared for the full moon. I bought sunglasses for the girls to wear, so if they looked at the full moon, they could look away before it grabbed ahold of them. Kaylie noticed my constant running around. "What're you doing?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Getting ready for the full moon," I said without looking at her.

"What's so bad about the full moon?" she asked curiously.

I walked up to the door and shut it. "The full has... certain effects on merpeople."

"Does it affect you?" Kaylie asked with a worried expression.

"Fortunately, I've grown immunity to normal full moons. The special ones are what I have to look out for. But the girls, who have only become mermaids recently, have to watch out tonight. So I'm getting my stuff ready and then I’m heading over to Emma's"

"Oh, okay. That sounds serious," my sister commented. "What will happen if the full moon affects them?"

"You can never know for sure, but it usually isn't a good thing," I shrugged. "Well, I gotta go. I need to do some things before I go over to Emma's."

"Okay," Kaylie said. "Be careful, I don't wanna have to cover for you again!" she laughed.

"Don't worry," I said. "I'll be sure to look both ways before crossing the street!" I mocked her. After I said that I was out the door. I wanted to go for a little swim before I headed over to Emma's, so I dived off my dock and sped away. I stopped when I was in the open ocean. I always loved to look at all the fish and scenery of the ocean. It always made me feel calm, and like I belonged there. But, then again, I am a merman. After exploring the ocean, I took off to Mako. Once I got there, I just floated on my back and looked up at the sky through the gap at the top of the cave. As I began to doze off, I saw a shimmering red blur emerge from the water. Before I could focus on it, it quickly dived back underwater and sped away. Determined to find out what it was, I dived and swam after it. As I darted out of the entrance, I saw the red figure head towards the mainland, so I swam after it. As I got closer, I finally realized what the red blur was.

A mermaid's tail. I tried to focus in on the new mermaid's face, but before I could, bubbles clouded my vision. As the last of the bubbles disappeared, I searched for the mystery mermaid. She was nowhere in sight. I mentally slapped myself for not seeing her face. The only thing I saw was blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. Wait, rewind! Did I just say beautiful? I shrugged it off and got on land to dry. The girls definitely needed to hear about this.

I was now at Emma's front door. I knock three times and the door swung open immediately. "Will! You're here!" Emma said excitedly. "Come in! The girls and I have a surprise for you!" Emma said. She sounded like a little kid getting their Christmas presents.

I came in and set my moon proofing supplies on the counter. When I walked into the living room, Cleo and Rikki were nowhere to be found. I looked at Emma with a confused expression as she stepped to the side. Suddenly, Rikki popped up with a water gun. "Surprise!" she screamed as she shot the water gun, causing a stream of water to come flying at me. I mentally laughed. Apparently, this girl forgot that I could control water. Just as the water was about to touch me, I held up my hand. The water came to a halt in the air as I started to form a sphere.

"Really? Is that the best you can do?" I laughed as I threw the sphere of water straight at Rikki. Before she could react, the water splattered all over her clothes.

"Aww man!" she yelled as she flopped on the floor.

"The tables have turned," I said in a deep voice, then three girls bursted out in laughter. Rikki then dried herself off and walked up to me.

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