The Vision

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I heard my alarm go off, signaling that it was time to get ready for school. I forced my eyes to open as I slowly arose from my bed. I scrambled to my closet and threw on some cargo shorts and a white t-shirt. Then I headed downstairs to grab some breakfast. Kyle was already sitting at the table munching on some cereal. "Why does school have to start early?" I asked tiredly as I rubbed my eyes.

"Because it sucks," Kyle said plainly.

I sighed then poured myself a bowl of cereal then slumped down into the chair next to my brother. Kaylie then showed up at the foot of the steps. "Hey guys," she said tiredly.

"Hey," we replied unenthusiastically.

My phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket. It was a message from Lauren. I was supposed to walk with her and the gang to school, since it is only a couple of blocks away. I scarfed down the rest of my breakfast and grabbed my bag that was by the door. "See you at school guys," I said.

"Don't you want a ride?" Kyle asked. "I can drive you."

"I'm good," I replied. "I'm gonna walk with the gang."

"You might want to be careful," Kaylie suggested. "It's supposed to rain later."

I looked out the window and saw that the sky was blanketed with clouds. "Crap," I whispered. "Thanks for the heads up."

My sister nodded. I waved to my siblings and walked out of the front door. While strolling down my driveway, I saw everyone approaching my house. "Hey Will!" Cleo called after me.

I waved and made my way over to the group. "So who's ready for a fun filled day at school?" I said with fake excitement as I clapped my hands together.

Annoyed sighs and grunts arose from the group. "School is just a waste of time!" Rikki complained.

"Well, we're just gonna have to live with it," I shrugged. When we finally arrived at school, we dispersed to go to our classes. Lauren walked with me to my biology class, which unfortunately was my first class of the day. I just hoped that Carrie wouldn't bother me too much.

"It's supposed to rain later today," Lauren said.

"So I've heard," I replied. "Hopefully it doesn't happen while we're at school."

"Yeah," Lauren agreed. I suddenly saw a twinge of sadness in her eyes. It was almost like she was questioning herself.

"What's wrong?" I asked draping my arm over her shoulder.

"It's just that..." she hesitated." Do you think Carrie is prettier than me?"

I almost lost my breakfast. "Where did you get such a crazy idea?" I asked with a shocked expression.

"I always overhear her talking about how you and her always talk in biology. From what I am hearing, it seems that you like her more than me."

"Lauren, listen to me," I said as I grabbed onto her shoulders. "We both know that I despise Carrie; and I would never do anything to hurt you. Whatever comes out of her mouth is complete garbage."

"Really?" she asked.

"Really," I confirmed. We then approached my biology class. "Just remember what I told you," I said to Lauren as I gave her a long passionate kiss to prove my point. She just smiled with a dreamy look in her eyes. She then turned around and made her way to her own class. I grinned and walked into my biology room. Once I sat down, I could already feel Carrie's eyes on me. "Not today Carrie," I said dismissively.

"Come on Will!" she whined. "We would look so good together!"

I turned to face Carrie. "Carrie, listen to me. I have a girlfriend who I don't plan on leaving any time soon. So I suggest that you find another guy to drool over because I'm not on the market."

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