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When I came onto the shore, I dried myself off and continued to walk home. When my house approached, I saw my dad sitting out on the porch. "Hey Dad," I said as I sat next to him.

"Hey Will. Where were you?" my dad asks.

"Just out with the gang," I replied.

"You seem to like your friends a lot. You hang out with them practically all day," my dad laughed.

I smiled. "Yeah, they really are fun to be around."

My dad smiled and nodded. Suddenly, his face had a look of concern. "Do you know why Kaylie has been pretty quiet lately?"

"No I don't," I say. "Maybe I should go talk to her."

"Maybe you should. It seems like something is bothering her," my dad says with a worried look on his face.

I nod, and get up from my spot. As I walked through the door, I started to think that my assumptions were true. I walked up the steps and then made my way to Kaylie's room. I knocked on her door. Seconds later, the door opened slightly. "Kaylie, I need to talk to you," I said.

"Okay," Kaylie said as she led me into her room. "What's up?" she asked as she flopped onto her bed.

"Well, you've been acting pretty different lately and I just wondering if there was something I should know." After I said that, Kaylie tensed up.

"Nothing's wrong," she said a little too quickly.

"C'mon Kaylie, I know you too well. I'm your twin brother for crying out loud. I know when something's wrong."

Kaylie sighed. She knew I was right. "I guess I'm just a little jealous of you."

"Really? What for?"

"You get to explore the ocean and not have to wear scuba gear. You get to swim with a tail and I don't. I feel so left out," Kaylie sulked.

"Kaylie, having a tail isn't everything. You don't have to worry about every drop of water you see. If I or any of the girls touch water in public, we'd be finished."

"I guess..." Kaylie trailed off.

"I need you to stay normal so you can help me with things I can't do. Also, on the off chance we do get discovered, I don't want you to be in danger. You're my sister and I couldn't handle it if you got hurt."

"Okay, that makes sense. Thanks Will," she smiled.

I smiled back. It felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I definitely didn't need someone, especially my sister, to be jealous of me. I left her room and dived onto my bed. I then drifted off to sleep with no worries. Little did I know that I soon would have a whole new thing to worry about.

The next morning, I woke up and grabbed my phone. I wanted to see if Lauren wanted to meet up at the JuiceNet.

To: Lauren

Hey! Do you want to meet up at the JuiceNet?

As I waited for a reply, I got changed and straightened up my room, since my mom has been telling me to clean it for the past few days. Suddenly, Kyle walked into the room. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"To the JuiceNet," I said. "I'm meeting up with Lauren."

"Isn't she the one that you like?" he smirked.

My face turned red. "Yeah," I said quietly.

"Well," Kyle said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "I hope you don't screw up," he grinned.

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