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As the last rays of sunshine peeked through the window, my eyes popped open. I sat up and stretched my arms out, making my back crack. I got out my bed and ran downstairs to eat a bowl of breakfast before I would go to the JuiceNet with the girls and Lewis. I also remembered that I was supposed to bring my sister to the JuiceNet to meet to meet them. I ran back upstairs to see if Kaylie was awake, and as usual, she was dead asleep. I shook her awake. "Kaylie, let's go," I said.

"Aww, just a few more minutes!" she whined. I then started to walk out the room.

"Okay, I guess I'm just going to have to leave without you then!" I said.

"No! Wait for me!" Kaylie called after me.

I smirked and waited as she got ready. Once she was all changed, we started our trek to the JuiceNet. My phone buzzed and I took a glance at it. It was a message from Rikki.

From: Rikki

Hey! You comin 2 the JuiceNet?

To: Rikki

Yeah, be there in a bit.

I locked my phone and shoved it back into my pocket. As we were nearing the JuiceNet, I saw Rikki outside waiting for me. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked.

"Too long!" Rikki laughed. "It usually doesn't take you this long to get here," she said as she playfully punched my arm.

"Yeah, well someone decided to not wake up this morning!" I said as I gestured towards Kaylie.

"Oh! You must be Will's sister!" Rikki said cheerfully. "I'm Rikki! The rest of the gang is inside, so follow me!"

Rikki then led us to our usual booth, like always. The girls and Lewis were there waiting to meet my sister. "Guys, this is Kaylie," I said. "Kaylie, allow me to introduce to you the rest of the gang. That there is Lewis." Lewis gave a grin to Kaylie. "Those two over there are Cleo and Emma," I said as the two girls waved. Kaylie and I then sat down and we all engaged in a conversation. To me, it seemed like everyone liked Kaylie. She seemed to be enjoying herself. As we all were laughing and telling each other stories of our lives, I saw a face I didn't really want to see.

It was Zane. "Don't look now guys," I sighed. "But trouble just walked through the door."

Everyone turned around, and immediately, everyone's faces fell. Well, besides Kaylie who just had a look of confusion on her face. "Who's that?" she asked.

"You'll find out soon enough," Cleo said through clenched teeth as Zane started to make his way over to our booth.

"Look Will," he said as he came over to me. "I realized that we got off on the wrong foot, so let's just start over."

I was surprised that he then held out his hand for me to shake. Just as I thought things with Zane were going to get better, he flung water from a glass at my face. Just as I was about to punch him, I remembered what happens to me when I touch water. I looked towards the bathroom and was about to run to it, when I realized that someone had just gone in. The girls and Lewis looked at me with shocked faces. "I gotta go!" I screamed as I ran out of the JuiceNet. I sprinted towards the dock and dived in the water just as I felt my tail starting to form. That was a close one! I thought. I then sped off towards Mako to think. Being there always calms me down. As I broke through the surface of the water, I leaned up against the ledge in deep thought. What was Kaylie thinking when I ran off? What will she do? Billions of questions were forming in my head. Right when it felt like my head was about to explode, I saw Cleo, Rikki, and Emma emerge from the water.

"Are you okay Will?" Emma asked.

"That sure was a close one!" Rikki breathed.

"This sucks!" I screamed. "Do you know how it feels to keep this big of a secret from your family for five years?! It doesn't feel good!"

“It'll be okay Will," Cleo put a friendly hand on my shoulder.

"She always asks me why I never swim anymore!" I said referring to Kaylie. "I never know how to answer that!

As my three friends pulled me in for a hug, knowing that I was stressed out, we heard noise coming from the tunnel. It sounded like voices. They were Kaylie and Lewis's voices! The girls darted under the water.

Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough, because before I could dive under, my sister yelled my name. "Will! What're you doing here!"

I turned around and realized that she hadn't seen my tail. "I just came for a swim," I said as cool as I could.

"We'll then how did you get here so fast?"

She was closing in. "I...I just..." I stammered.

"Well?" she asked waiting for an answer. There was no hiding now, and no way to get out of this. I had to tell her.

"Kaylie, there is something I need to show you."

"What is it?" she asked.

"Will, no!" Lewis screamed. I dived under the water to see the girls floating there. It seemed like they knew what I was going to do. I just shrugged and they nodded sadly. Suddenly, I gave myself a burst of speed and flew out of the water. As I was in the air, I saw Kaylie's breathless expression. I then submerged back into the water and took some time to collect myself. After I was as calm as I could be, I popped my head out of the water.

"Will, you're're a..." Kaylie uttered.

I finished for her, "Yes Kaylie, I'm a merman."

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