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Lauren and I swam up to the beach, checking to make sure that no one could see us. Once we thought the coast was clear, we hopped onto the sand and I started to dry us both off. Once our legs returned, we started to walk along the beach, with our hands intertwined. After a couple minutes of silence, I broke it. "Do your parents know about you being a mermaid?"

"No way! If I told them, they would freak out! What about you?"

"The only one who knows is my sister," I said realizing that Lauren hasn't known this information.

"Really?" Lauren asked surprised. "How did she take it?"

"A lot better than I expected actually. I still have yet to tell my brother though," I sighed.

"Just tell him when you think the time is right."

"Speak of the devil," I laughed as I saw Kyle walking on the beach with his surf gear. He's actually real good at surfing. I used to surf with him a lot before I turned into a merman.

"Is that your brother?" Lauren asked pointing to Kyle.

"Yep!" I said as Kyle started to make his way over to us.

"Hey Will!" Kyle said as he stopped in front of Lauren and I. "Who's this?"

"This is Lauren," I said gesturing to her.

Recognition hit Kyle's face like a tidal wave. "It's nice to meet you!" Lauren said cheerily as she extended her hand towards Kyle.

Kyle in turn accepted her hand and shook it. "So you're the one that my brother here has been drooling over," Kyle said as he grinned. He knew how to embarrass me.

Lauren giggled. "That's me!" she said happily as she kissed me on the cheek.

Kyle leaned over to me and whispered, "Wow Will, you did a good job!" I then shoved him away jokingly. "Hey Will, do you want to come surfing with me later? It's been a while since we surfed together."

I was about to say yes, but then I remembered that if I touched water, a tail would pop up. "Sorry Kyle," I said sadly. "I just can't."

"Why not?" Kyle huffed. "You used to love surfing with me! We were like the dynamic duo at surfing!"

"I don't know, I've just lost interest."

"You and I both know that's not true." Lauren nudged me. She motioned at my hand. I was clenching it together and steam started to arise in the ocean water. "Wow! How is that happening?" Kyle asked perplexed. He then noticed when I opened up my hand, the water stopped boiling. "Were you just doing that?"

"No," I lied. "How would I be able to do that?"

"You're right, I'm just being stupid!" Kyle laughed. "We'll anyway, we'll talk later! I've gotta go while the waves are good!" Kyle then waved and ran off into the water to surf.

I let out a sigh of sadness. Sometimes, I missed being able to do things like that. I mean, I would never trade my tail for anything in the world, but it still sucks that I can't do anything water related with my family anymore. Lauren noticed my sadness. "C'mon Will, cheer up!" she said as we started to walk again. "At least he didn't force it out of you. You can tell him on your own time."

"You're right," I said. "Thanks." Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was from Cleo.

From: Cleo

Hey Will! Are you with Lauren? The girls and I need you to come to my house. They want to talk about Lewis.

"What's up?" Lauren asked.

"The girls want us to go to Cleo's house and they want to talk about Lewis." Lauren just gave me a confused look and I shrugged. We then started to walk to Cleo's house. Once we got there, I knocked on the door.

Not long after, Rikki answered. "There you guys are! What were you doing anyway?" She then looked down at our interlocked hands and grinned. "Oh I see," she said slyly. "Well come on, we need to talk about Lewis. She then ushered us up to Cleo's bedroom. When we entered, we saw Cleo using her power to clean her fish tank. She held the tank's water above her head while she scrubbed the actual tank.

"Finally!" Emma said. "We waited so long for you guys! What were you doing? Making out?"

We just grinned. "Maybe!" Lauren giggled as we gave each other a quick kiss.

"Oh my god! I wasn't being serious!" Emma said surprised.

"Are you two actually going out?" Cleo asked with a smile. We nodded happily. "How did he ask you?" Lauren then proceeded to explain what I did with my trident while we were swimming. By the end, Cleo's mouth dropped. "That's so romantic!"

"Way to go Romeo!" Rikki joked. "But now let's get serious. I think Lewis is going to crack soon.

"What do you mean?" I asked worried.

"We were at the JuiceNet earlier and Denman called Lewis. When he talked to her, he sounded like a little girl! He did that high pitched laugh that someone does when they're talking to the person they have the hots for."

"Uh oh," I say. I looked to the girls for confirmation. They just nodded. "Do you think he would actually spill our secret?"

"I wouldn't doubt it," Rikki said annoyed. He's going to Denman's lab tomorrow to look at your and Cleo's samples. That'll be the moment of truth."

"What's so special about Denman anyway?" Cleo asked. I don't see anything special about her!" Cleo practically screamed. I smirked because I knew she was jealous, but I wouldn't say that out loud though. She's too shy to have all of that attention on her. I started to think that giving Lewis a sample from me was a bad idea. But I just knew that Lewis wouldn't sell us out. Or, at least I had hoped he wouldn't. I guess I was going to have to wait and see what tomorrow's events will bring.

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