New Additions

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Okay, before I start, my readers on (I also have this story posted there) wanted me to put a certain someone in the story early. You'll see who it is at the end.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Time seemed to be going in slow motion. That's when the realization fully set in. My mom is in labor. I finally made it to my house after what had seemed like a lifetime. Kyle ran outside with his keys in hand. Kaylie was right behind him. "C'mon!" he yelled. "Dad already took mom to the hospital! Hop in the car!" I nodded frantically and got in the passenger seat. Kyle stuck the keys in the ignition and once the car roared to life, Kyle sped off in the direction of the hospital.

Lauren's POV

We just started to leave the marine park. Cleo came with us because her shift was over. "Thankfully, his shift ended right before he left," Cleo explained as we exited the park. We were all taking in the news. Very soon, Will was going to become a big brother. I can only imagine what must be running through his head right now. Even with all this excitement going on, one thing still had itself planted firmly in my brain. Bella, Will's friend from back in the states. He seems to miss her a lot. I know, I shouldn't be bothered by it, but I just can't help it. He lets no one, and I mean no one, call him by his middle name. Not even me. So why is it okay for Bella to call him that?

"So what do you guys think about this 'Bella' we heard about?" I asked.

"Well, she's a good friend of Will, so I'm guessing she's pretty nice," Emma predicted.

"Yeah," Cleo agreed. "If we met her, we'd probably like her."

"I don't know," I said.

"What's the matter?" Rikki asked. "Are you afraid of her or something?"

"It's just that," I began. "What if her and Will were more than friends? I mean, it sure looked like it, from the look in his eyes when he talked about her."

Rikki let out a laugh. "Wait, are you telling me you're jealous of a girl you haven't even met?" I just shrugged. Suddenly, Rikki's expression turned serious. "There's no need to be. Like Will said, Bella and him were just close friends," Rikki reassured. "And even if they were boyfriend and girlfriend once, he's got you now. Besides, Will said that him and Alex lost contact with her, so I highly doubt that she'll show up anytime soon."

I nodded. Rikki was right. How could I be jealous of a girl that I haven't met? It sounded so stupid. "You're right Rikki," I agreed. "Thanks."

"No problem," she replied.

Will's POV

I hopped out the car as soon as Kyle put it in park. We arrived at the hospital. Once inside, we approached the front desk. "We're here for Kristen Johnson," Kyle said immediately.

"Right this way," the nurse replied as she led us down the hall. While walking, the nurse spoke up. "Are you her kids?" she asked.

"Yeah," Kaylie replied. "Is she okay?"

"She's in the delivery room right now," the nurse answered. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait outside, but you will be able to come in after the babies are born."

"Okay," Kyle understood.

"You can take a seat of you'd like," the nurse said gesturing to the chairs that were along the wall.

"Thank you," I said. The three of us then sat down waiting for the chance to see our sisters.

It felt like hours until the nurse came back to us. She had a huge smile on her face. "Would you like to meet your new siblings?" she asked.

The three of us nodded our heads in excitement. The nurse then led us to our mom's room. She cracked open the door as quietly as she could. We peeked our heads in. We saw our mom and dad. Mom had two little bundles in her hands. "C'mon over," my mom whispered. "Meet the new additions to the Johnson family. We slowly made our way over to her bedside. It was then where I got my first glimpse of my sisters. My little sisters. Lucy and Sierra. "Say hello to your little sisters, Lucy and Sierra," my mom said motioning to which was which.

It was then when they opened their eyes. Lucy had deep blue eyes. Man, with those eyes, she was going to attract a lot of guys when she got older. I would have to watch out for that. Look at me, I'm already getting protective. As for Sierra, she had amber eyes, something that I have only seen on rare occasions. They seemed to fit her perfectly. My mom then handed Lucy up to me. "You came up with her name, so you should hold her first," my dad smiled at me. I nodded with a grin and gently scooped Lucy up into my arms. I looked down at her. She looked up at me. I don't know if I was seeing things, but I thought I saw a faint smile appear on Lucy's lips. I smiled back. Suddenly, without warning, a lone tear had made its way down my face. I looked to Sierra, then back at Lucy.

They were my little sisters. I was still trying to get used to that term. One thought raced through my mind. God, I love this family.

My mom and I gently laid the twins into their cribs. We had taken them home from the hospital, since the doctors said they were completely healthy, so they were allowed to go home. I smiled at their sleeping forms. Before they were born, my mom and dad had been busy turning the spare room into a baby's paradise. They did an amazing job. It looked exactly like a baby's room should. Calm and peaceful. As my mom and I left the room, I closed the door behind us. When I was back in my room, my phone rang. It was Rikki. "Hey Rikki," I said.

"Are you officially a big brother now?" Rikki asked in excitement.

"It's official," I confirmed.

I then heard cheers on the other line. It was the gang. "Do you mind if we come over to see them?" Rikki asked.

"Hold on," I replied. I tiptoed passed the twins' room and went downstairs. Once I asked my parents, the happily said yes. "Yep," I said with a smile.

"Okay, be there in a jiffy!" Rikki said then hung up the phone. Minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. When I answered it, I saw the looks on everyone's faces. They really wanted to see the twins. I led the gang up to their room. Before we entered, I put a finger to my lips, signaling for everyone to be quiet. Once inside, the gang made their way over to the two cribs. Almost immediately, coos and awws were echoing throughout the room.

"They're so cute!" Cleo whispered.

"That's the most adorable thing I have ever seen," Lewis added. After a few more minutes of admiring the twins, I led the gang to my room.

"You must be so happy," Emma said with a smile.

"Very," I said with a grin. Lewis sat down at my desk.

"Hey Will," he said. "Are these your friends from the states?" he asked holding up the picture of me, Alex, and the others.

"Yep," I said. "That's them. Hunter, Allie, Alex, and me."

"So, this was obviously taken before you became a merman," Lewis said noticing that I was in the water without a tail.

"Yeah," I confirmed. "When I didn't have to hide anything from them."

"At least Alex knows now," Cleo said. Lewis then eyed another picture on my desk. It was a picture of me and a girl with honey-blonde hair. I had my arm around her shoulder and we both had smiles on our faces.

"Who's that?" he asked.

"That," I said pointing to the picture. "Is Bella," I smiled.

"Wow, she's pretty," Emma said.

I chuckled. "It was almost impossible to keep all of the boys away from her. I had to shoo them away almost every day."

"Seems like she had a lot of boyfriends," Rikki smirked.

"Quite the contrary," I said. "She knows that the guys only see her looks, and nothing else," I explained.

"That's why she's waiting for the right one."

"Did you two ever go out?" Lauren asked with a quickness in her voice.

"What?" I asked. "Me and Bella? No, we were only just friends," I confirmed. "She was my best friend. I always had her back, as she has always had mine, but no, we never went out." I suddenly heard Lauren breath a sigh of relief. "Aww, do I sense some jealousy?" I asked playfully.

"No, of course not," Lauren said as she looked away. I smirked. I walked over Lauren, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her in for a kiss.

"You have nothing to worry about," I whispered.

Lauren smiled gently. "Okay," she said as we kissed again.

"Ugh," Rikki laughed. "Cut it with the mushy stuff already!"

The whole room then burst out into uncontrollable laughter. Once it subsided, I shot a glance at the picture of Bella and I. I wonder where she is? I thought.

Bella's POV

I looked at the picture of Jay and I. I haven't seen him in so long. I wonder how he and the others are doing? Since I've been moving from place to place, always being busy, I've had no time to talk to any of them. Sometimes, I really wish that my dad didn't have to move us around so much, but he had no choice. Back in the states, I finally felt at home. Before moving there, I was used to always being an outcast, a nobody. But the first time I met Jay, he accepted me without question. And after that, everyone else accepted me too. Jay had always been there for me. The day I told him I was moving was the hardest thing I had to do. The look on his face was one of devastation. It made me hate myself. I promised him we would keep in touch, but I couldn't even keep that promise.

And now I was moving to Australia soon. Once again, I'll be an outcast, with no one there to help me. I took one last glance at the picture then fell back into my bed. Hopefully, Australia won't be as bad as I think it will be.

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