The Friendly Reunion

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You know, I didn't expect these last few months to go by so quickly, but they flew by before I could even blink. And so many things have happened, but I think the most memorable ones are when Emma accidentally froze Miriam. That was a real nail biter. She hid in the freezer at the JuiceNet and Emma froze her with no problem. It took us such a long time to unfreeze her and wake her up after that. And when we had one of our exams, it was pouring rain, so we had to pretend that we were sick. The doctors wore hazmat suits! That's a little over the top if you ask me! And don't let me forget when we all thought that Cleo was going out with Zane! Jeez, I almost had a heart attack! Turns out, she was taking care of Ronnie, a dolphin that was sick. Cleo had formed a special bond with Ronnie after that. Speaking of dolphins, I recently took Cleo's advice and applied for a job at the marine park. I still have yet to get a reply. Oh, let's not forget, that through all of this, Carrie still attempted to get me to go out with her! She's persistent, I'll give her that.

Today, the gang and I were taking a walk along the beach. "I can't believe it'll be a couple more weeks until the summer holidays begin!" Cleo said happily.

"I know!" Rikki said. "I need a break! My brain is fried!"

"Since when do you ever use your brain?" I asked with a smirk.

"Don't push it Will," she laughed.

"Will!" I heard behind us. I turned around and saw someone I didn't expect to see. It was one of my best friends from back in the states. It was Alex.

"No, this has to be a joke right!" I laughed with a shocked look on my face.

"Does this look like a joke?" he smiled.

"Hey man!" I yelled as I ran up to him. I gave him a friendly hug and patted him on the back. "It's good to see you," I said.

"Likewise," he smiled back. "If I didn't know you, I would've thought that you were born and raised here! I mean, you even have the accent!"

"I guess I acquired it over time," I laughed. I turned around to face the others. "Hey guys, get over here! I want you to meet someone."

"Who's this?" Rikki asked as she lazily draped her arm over my shoulder.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Alex," I said gesturing to him. "He was one of my closest friends when I lived back in the states."

"Cool!" Cleo said with a smile.

"Alex, meet my best friends Cleo, Rikki, Emma, and Lewis," I said motioning to each of them. "And this," I said as I scooped Lauren into my arms. "Is my girlfriend Lauren." I kissed her on the cheek and then set her back down.

"Nice to meet you all," Alex smiled. "And wow Will, you didn't tell me you were going out with a pretty girl like her!" Alex said as he gestured to Lauren. At this, Lauren flushed red.

"You would be surprised at the things I don't tell you," I smirked. "So how are the others?" I asked. "Is Hunter still the clown he's always been?"

"What do you think?" Alex laughed. "And Alice still think is still as organized as ever!"

"That reminds me of someone," I smirked as I glanced slyly towards Emma.

"We all miss you man."

"I miss you guys too. So how's school going for you guys?"

"Ugh, we just started it and I hate it!"

"That's funny, cause we're almost done!"

"What?" Alex asked in disbelief. "It's only November and you're almost out of school?"

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