Old Friends and Memories

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After the full moon incident, the weekend came by before I could blink. Due to leaving her house a mess, Emma had been grounded for the rest of the week. When Rikki found out that she had kissed Zane, it took all of her energy to keep her from throwing up. Right now, I was actually going to meet Alex at his house and we were going to walk to the JuiceNet. After I got ready, I made my way downstairs and was about to go out the door, but l was interrupted by my dad. "Will, can you come here for a minute?" my dad called from the living room. As I walked into the room, I sat in the chair across from my dad.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Where did you go that night?" he asked sternly. "You had your mother and I worried sick."

"Well, I uh..." I trailed off.

"Will, you know you can tell me anything. I just want to know where you went."

Suddenly, Kyle made his way into the room and we made eye contact. Realizing my situation, he butted in. "Oh, he just went out to get some new parts for my boat. The reason he was in such a hurry was because the store was about to close."

My dad glanced back and forth from me to Kyle and he nodded. "Just be careful Will," he said as he got up and left the room.

"Thanks for covering for me Kyle," I smiled. "I really owe you one."

"I'm gonna hold you to that," he smirked. "Now get outta here. Don't wanna keep Alex waiting."

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes as I walked out the front door.

As I was walking to Alex's house, I began to think of my life when I lived back in the states. Every time Alex, Hunter, and Alice wanted to swim, I would always decline, for obvious reasons. They had always asked me what was wrong and I just said I lost interest. Before I was a merman, we would always swim in this big lake that was nearby all of our houses. Then one day, I stopped. I couldn't let them know I was half fish, I just couldn't. They would've never looked at me the same. It kinda sucks to know your best friends all your life and keep such a big secret from them. I would just have to keep dealing with it.

When I arrived at Alex's house, I knocked on his door. A few moments later, a familiar face appeared. "Will, I can't believe it's you!" Mrs. Cadwell, Alex's mom smiled as she saw me. "It's been ages and my, how you've grown! You've become a very handsome young man!"

"Thanks Mrs. Cadwell," I replied. "It's good to see you too."

"I bet you're here for Alex," she guessed. I nodded. "Alex, Will's here!" she called upstairs. "So how has your mother and father been?" she asked curiously.

"They've been great actually," I said with a grin. "They're actually having another set of twins."

"That's fantastic! Do you think your mother would mind if I stopped by and said hello?"

"No, not at all," I smiled.

Suddenly, Alex appeared next to his mom. "You ready to go?" he asked.

"I was ready about fifteen minutes ago," I laughed.

"Shut up," he smiled as he walked outside.

As we began to make our way to the JuiceNet, Alex spoke. "So how do you like living in Australia?" he asked curiously.

"It's so awesome!" I said with enthusiasm. "I love it here."

Alex laughed. "I can see why. The weather is absolutely amazing. Plus, it looks like you've made some good friends here."

"Yeah," I agreed. "They're really something." I smirked. "They've made my adjustment here so much easier." We then appeared in front of the JuiceNet. "Well, here we are," I said. "After you," I said motioning to the front door.

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