Raining on the Parade

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When Lauren and I arrived at the moon pool, we discovered that we weren't alone. The whole gang was here, including Lewis. "Hey Will!" Rikki greeted. "What brings you in this neck of the woods?"

"Lauren and I were getting away for Carrie," I said saying Carrie like it was a sour taste in my mouth.

Everyone let out exasperated sighs. "Why can't she just keep her paws off you?" Cleo asked.

I shrugged. "She keeps asking me to go out with her!" I complained. "The chance of that happening is as small as Rikki going out with Zane!"

Rikki scoffed. "Like that would ever happen!"

"And speaking of Zane..." Lauren began.

"Emma and I had a little run in with him on the Lorelei," I finished.

"Please, do tell," Cleo said.

Emma and I then started to explain the events on the Lorelei. Everyone had worried looks on their faces as they heard more and more of our encounter with Zane.

"This is bad!" Cleo panicked.

"We just have to be more careful, that's all," I reassured. "Hey, on a lighter note, my dad's having a barbecue next weekend and all of you guys are invited!"

"Cool!" Rikki smiled. "Please tell me your dad makes a mean burger!"

"But of course!" I smirked. "He knows what he's doing." Everyone was getting excited for the barbecue except Lewis. "Lewis, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Next weekend is the full moon," Lewis breathed.

"And since when has that ever stopped us?" Rikki asked. We all gave her a look. "Oh, right."

"And it's not just any full moon," Lewis continued. "It's a blue moon. It doesn't occur very often but it is when there are two full moons in one month. We were lucky to get through the first one unscathed."

"So?" I shrugged. "We can get through this one too."

"It's not that simple," Lewis countered. "If I have my mythology facts straight that means mermen can get affected by the blue moon. It also says that when mermen are moonstruck, it's ten times worse than when mermaids are moonstruck."

"Well, that just rained on the parade," Rikki sighed.

"When was the last time you were moonstruck Will?" Emma asked.

"I'd say when I was around thirteen," I said. "And trust me, it wasn't pretty. I can only remember little snippets, but I created a big lightning storm and it was out of control. It was so bad, that it ended up on the news.

"It looks like you're gonna have to cancel the barbecue," Cleo said sadly.

"I can't," I replied. "It's a family tradition. My dad never misses this barbecue."

"It looks like we're going to have to improvise," Rikki stated.

"Did I also mention that Kyle's friends and Carrie are going to be there?"

"Okay," Rikki said hesitantly. "We're really going to have to improvise."

"Do you think we can pull it off?" Emma asked.

"Emma, we handled you when you went on a ravenous sardine eating rampage!" Rikki laughed. "I think we can handle a barbecue!"

I snickered. "When did this happen?"

"Shut up!" Emma warned.

"It was when you were on one of your dates with Lauren," Cleo smirked. "Emma got moonstruck in the middle of her dad's birthday party. After that, her tail wouldn't go away and for some reason, she wouldn't stop craving for sardines."

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