The Locket

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After we finished our smoothies, we paid the waitress. As we walked out, I shot Zane an icy glare. His eyes went wide which made me smirk. I then turned and walked away. All of the sudden, I just felt like going for a swim. "Does anyone feel like going for a swim?" I asked.

"You better believe it!" Rikki grinned.

"Sure, why not," Emma shrugged.

"I'm in," Cleo said.

"Let's take a swim to Mako," I said. "Lewis, could you meet us there with your boat?"

"No problem," he said

"Okay let's go!" I cheered. We made sure no one was around, then we all at the same time, dived off the docks and into the water. After our tails formed, I realized that this was the first time I had seen Emma and Cleo in mermaid form. All three of the girls had the same orange gold tail. It was probably because they transformed together in the moon pool on Mako. As we started swimming, Rikki and I shot each other a glance, and smirked at the other two mermaids. They gave us confused looks, and then without warning, Rikki and I sped off towards Mako. We surfaced in the moon pool and waited for the girls to catch up.

Two new heads popped up in the pool. "Hey, no fair!" Cleo pouted.

"Yeah, we weren't ready!" Emma added.

Rikki and I grinned and high fived each other. Lately, Rikki and I became a sort of dynamic duo, and boy was it fun! "You should've seen the looks on your faces!" I laughed.

"Yeah, it was hilarious!" Rikki added. Cleo and Emma crossed their arms. Suddenly, I saw a shimmer at the bottom of the pool. Without saying a word, I dived under the water to investigate. Once I got closer, I saw that it was a locket of some sort with a small blue gem in it. I opened it up to see if it had a picture, but sadly it didn't. I swam back up and showed the girls the locket. "Cool," Rikki said plainly.

"It's so pretty," Emma added.

"It's beautiful," Cleo sighed with a small glint in her eye. I was going to give it to one of the girls, and Cleo made it very obvious who I should give it to.

"Here Cleo," I said. "It's yours now."

"Are you sure?" she began. "I mean, shouldn't you save it for a special occasion?"

"I saw that look in your eyes, and knew that you had to have it," I grinned.

"Wow, thanks Will!"

"No problem," I said as she gave me a friendly hug. We then heard a noise in the tunnel that led to the moon pool. Lewis emerged from the opening.

"Hey guys, what's new?" Lewis asked.

"Will found this beautiful locket at the bottom of the moon pool!" Cleo squealed in happiness.

"Cool," Lewis said with a thoughtful face. "That means that someone has been here before."

"Maybe we aren't the only mermaids to have ever been here," Emma said.

I put on a playfully sad face. "Have you guys realized that in all of the books about mythology, they rarely mention mermen? I'm starting to feel a little left out."

It was silent for a moment, then everyone burst out in laughter. "Yeah I wonder why," Cleo said with a grin.

"Maybe because they realized that mermaids are so much cooler!" Rikki smirked.

"Hey!" I said. We all broke out into another fot of laughter. Then, Emma started to mention an annual party that she always has.

"Maybe I shouldn't cancel the party," she said. "I can't let a little drop of water control my life."

"Yay!" Cleo screamed. "I can't wait!"

"I just hope it's worth it," Rikki said.

"Hey, how come Lewis and I weren't invited?" I asked. Lewis and I put on our sad faces.

"Sorry Will, no boys allowed!" Emma laughed.

"Oh come on," I said. "I want to paint my nails and have pillow fights too!" I said in a girly voice. Laughter once again filled the cave. I then thought some more about my friends. They had accepted me without a second thought. I sure was lucky to have friends like them. It started to get dark and we all agreed that it was time to head home. The girls and I waved goodbye to Lewis and sped off to the mainland. We raced all the way there. Of course Rikki won because she always wins. One day I'm going to beat her. After we dried off, Emma started to text every girl she knew, besides Meriam of course, that the party was on. I waved goodbye to the girls, then they proceeded to walk to Emma's for the party. I walked home as well. Once I got there, I was greeted by my brother.

"Hey Will," he said.

"What's up Kyle?" I replied.

"I saw you earlier today with your new friends. Who knew that you were capable of becoming friends with the opposite gender!" my brother laughed then playfully punched my arm. My sister Kaylie then walked up to me.

"Are they nice? Would I like them?" she asked

"Of course you would!" I said "although you might want to watch out for Rikki, because she can be a little fiery at times," I laughed.

"Can I meet them?"

"Sure!" I said. "We usually go to the JuiceNet, so I'll bring you there with me and you can introduce yourself."

"Okay, thanks Will!" Kaylie said as she walked away.

I then walked upstairs to my room. I started to think about the merman part of me. My whole family doesn't know that I'm a merman. Should I tell them? Will they get freaked out? After a couple more minutes of contemplating, I decided it was best not to tell them. I flopped onto my bed, and drifted off to a deep sleep.

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