The Moon Pool Surprise

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After our little chat about Lewis, we all decided to go our separate ways for the day. Lauren asked me if I could walk her home, so obviously, I said yes. As we were walking, she spoke up. "Do you really think Lewis would sell us out all because of some bay watch babe?"

I shook my head. "If I know Lewis, he would never tell our secret, no matter what," I say truthfully.

"I just don't want to be dissected and hung on a wall!" Lauren says, clearly frightened.

I put my arm around her. "Don't worry; I'm sure that won't happen. I'll be damned if I did let anything harm you."

Lauren's beautiful smile started to appear. "You know, I really have an amazing boyfriend," she said as she kissed my cheek.

"Yeah, you do," I say jokingly.

"What? No compliment for me?" Lauren joked back.

"Nope!" I said as I ran ahead of her.

"You come back here!" she screamed as she ran after me. When she caught up, she hopped onto my back. As I ran into the grass, I stumbled and we both started to tumble to the ground. Lauren ended up on top of me. As I looked into her eyes, I saw that the moonlight reflected off of them, making them even more beautiful.

"I can never get over those eyes," I said dreamily. Without a second thought, I leaned in and kissed her passionately. Before long, it broke out into a full on make out session. After what felt like an eternity, Lauren's phone buzzed. We got up and she checked her phone.

"It's from my dad," she said. "He wants me home now."

"Okay let's go," I said as I stood up and offered my hand to her. She gladly took it. We then walked back to her house. Once we were on her front porch, I gave her a goodnight kiss.

"I had a really great time tonight," Lauren said.

"I did too. It was amazing," I said. As Lauren went to open her door, it opened to reveal another person on the other side of it.

"Oh! Hey Josh!" Lauren said. "Will, allow me to introduce you to my little brother."

Josh didn't look any older than ten. I bent down to his height and extended my arm. "Hi Josh," I smiled. "I'm Will."

Josh's shy attitude turned into one that was full of energy. "So you're Will? Lauren talks about you nonstop!"

"Oh does she now?" I ask as I smirk in Lauren's direction.

"Yeah! She keeps on saying how you're a great kisser! She also says that you have a great personality! Oh, and she always talks about how you have amazing abs!"

At this, Lauren got red in the face. "Be quiet Josh!" she said as she tried to hide her embarrassment. "Well, I gotta go now."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow!" I said as I kissed Lauren on the cheek. She then walked inside and waved shyly as she closed the door. Pleased with how the night turned out, I started to make my way back to my house. Once I got there, I laid down on my bed. The events of the night were playing over and over in my head. I then drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next morning, I was woken up by my phone buzzing. I picked it up to see that it wasn't the girls or Lewis, but a good friend from back in the states.

From: Alex

Yo Will what's happenin! How's the Gold Coast? Any hot babes? Haha! Well anyway, just wanted to check in and see how you've been doing! Guess what? I might be able to visit you soon! I'll update you when I get more info!

I replied right back.

To: Alex

Nothin much man! It's great actually! Lots of great people! Really? If you can come that would be awesome!

I then locked my phone and three on some clothes. I decided that I wanted to take a swim to Mako. I ran out the door and dived off the dock. I sped off towards Mako. Once I arrived at the moon pool, I just floated on my back enjoying the silence. Suddenly, it was broken by an unfamiliar voice. "It's been years since I've been in this place." I jerked forward to see an elderly woman looking at me with a smile.

Somehow, I just knew she was friendly. "Who are you?" I asked.

"You can call me Miss Chatham. I'm sure Cleo has talked about me before."

Recognition came over me. This was the old woman that Cleo always kept seeing. "So you know about merpeople?"

"Yes, and let me tell you that you and the girls have a special bond. Don't ever become distant from each other. Always look out for one another."

Suddenly, a familiar red tail appeared next to me. "Hey Will!" Lauren said. "What's up?"

I turned back to where Miss Chatham was, but she wasn't there anymore. She just vanished. I needed to remember what she told me. Should I let the girls know about this? I decided to keep it to myself for now. "Nothing much," I said as convincingly as I could. "Just chilling out."

"Okay. I just came here after a swim," Lauren said. I pulled myself out of the water and steam dried myself. "A little help?" Lauren smiled gesturing that she wanted to get out. I twisted my hand and she rose out of the water. I then placed her next to me and dried her off. "Thanks!" she said.

"No problem," I said as I kissed Lauren's cheek. My phone went off. I took it out of my pocket. It was a message from Emma.

From: Emma


"Uh oh," I breathed.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked worried.

"Something happened. We gotta go to Emma's house. Lauren nodded, then we both dived into the water and darted towards the mainland. Whatever had happened, it couldn't have been that bad. Could it?

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