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I parked my dad's boat at the dock and leapt off it? "You coming?" I asked Kaylie.

"Nah, I'm fine," she said. "You go ahead."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Go attend to your merpeople business," she said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Okay, if you're sure." Something seemed wrong with Kaylie. I mean, I should know because I'm her twin. I can always tell when something's bothering her. I would have to remember to ask her about it later. I pulled out my phone and texted Rikki.

To: Rikki

Can you and the girls go to Mako? I have something big to show you.

Seconds later my phone buzzed.

From: Rikki

Sure! Be there in five!

I decided that I should tell Lauren too, so I scrolled to her contact.

To: Lauren

Can you go to Mako? I need to show you something.

My phone immediately buzzed back.

From: Lauren

Okay! I'll be there in a bit!

I shoved my phone back into my pocket then dived into the ocean. It's a good thing my phone is water proof. I felt my tail come in, then I sped off to Mako. While swimming, I wondered some more about why Kaylie was acting weird. She usually never lets anything bother her, so what's up now? Well, she did have a look in her eye when she saw my tail. Was she... jealous of me because I had a tail? No way! I shook that thought out of my head as I entered the moon pool. I got out of the water and steam dried myself off. Just then, I saw four mermaid tails come through the underwater entrance. One by one, each of the girls' heads popped out of the water. "What's up Will?" Cleo asked.

I smirked. "Look at this," I said. I extended my arm and opened up my hand. Suddenly, the trident formed in my hand.

"Wow! Is that what I think it is?" Lauren asked.

"Yep!" I replied happily.

"How did you get it?" Emma asked. I then proceeded to tell the girls what had happened when Kaylie and I went swimming.

"That is so cool!" Rikki said excitedly. "What can it do?"

"Watch," I grinned as I pointed the trident towards the sky. The trident gave off a few small bolts before one giant bolt of lightning tore through the sky.

"Whoa!" Cleo breathed.

"Do you realize how much this could help us?" Lauren asked.

I nodded "This is one of the most powerful things a merman can be given."

Rikki smirked, then swiped the trident from my hands. "Now it's mine!" she joked.

"I wouldn't be so sure," I smirked. Without moving a muscle, the trident appeared right back into my hand. "Nice try!" I grinned. "I'm the only one who can wield it!"

"Aww man! Rikki sighed. Everyone then bursted out into laughter.

Once it got quiet again, I spoke up. "So Lewis told you guys about Doctor Denman?" I asked.

"Yeah," Emma said. "Are you sure we can trust him with our secret? I mean, what if he tells Doctor Denman?"

"He wouldn't do that to us!" Cleo stated.

I nodded. "Cleo's right guys, have a little faith in him."

"Who's Denman?" Lauren asked. I then filled her in on what Lewis told me earlier. After I was finished, Lauren spoke again. "I don't know," she said. "Seems a little risky."

"It'll be fine," I reassured her. I then remembered Kaylie. "Hey guys, do you think my sister could be jealous of me? You know, for being a merman and all."

"She couldn't be," Cleo said.

"Yeah Will," Rikki said. "What makes you think that she is jealous.

"Well, when we were swimming, she looked at my tail with a weird look in her eye. Then, when I asked her if she wanted to come here, she said no because it was 'merpeople business'. She sounded sad as she said that.

"Oh, you're probably just imagining things," Emma said.

"Yeah, you're right I said. I looked at the sky and saw it was pitch black out. "Sorry guys, I gotta get home before my parents kill me."

They nodded. "We all should go too," Cleo said. We all said our goodbyes and promised to meet up tomorrow. As I was swimming back home, I still couldn't shake the feeling in my stomach. Kaylie couldn't be jealous. I thought. Could she?

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