The Moonstruck Merman

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The rest of the week flew by in a flash. Before I knew it, my family and I were getting ready for the barbecue. One thought kept lingering in the back of my mind. The full moon. It was supposed to rise at 8:03 tonight. I still had two hours to prepare. My dad usually likes to have his barbecues late, which definitely doesn't work in my favor. The barbecue will still be in full swing when the moon rises. Luckily, the gang would be arriving soon, so we would be able to form a game plan. "Hey Will," Kyle called over to me from his boat.

"Yeah," I said as I made my way over to him.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay tonight?" he asked with concern. "Kaylie told me about the full moon."

"I've been dealing with them for five years," I shrugged. "I bet I could get through this one too."

Kyle gave me an unsure look. "If you're sure."

He then went back to working on his boat. When my dad started to fire up the grill, I heard familiar voices. "Hey stranger!" I heard Rikki call.

"Hey Will!" the others said simultaneously.

I smiled and waved as I made my way over to them. "Hey guys. I'm glad you could make it."

"Thanks for inviting us," Lewis grinned. "Okay, before everyone arrives, we should probably figure out how we are going to deal with the full moon."

"Agreed," Emma said. "So what I think we should do is..." That was all I heard because out of nowhere, my head started to spin and my ears started to ring. I once again saw images of Mako, but this time I saw myself in the moon pool with the girls using their powers against me. It looked like I had lost complete control of myself, while the girls seemed to still be sane. How could they not have become moonstruck too? I mean, they were at the moon pool. Well, whatever the case, I don't know why I'm having these visions. Suddenly, my vision stopped and I shook my head.

"Will!" Lauren screamed as she dropped to her knees to get to my level. "What's happening to you?"

"N...Nothing," I say while still trying to think straight.

"Will, if you keep having blackouts like this, something must be wrong," Lewis said.

"Seriously, I'm fine," I say in defense. They all glared at me. I knew they weren't gonna fall for that again. "Okay fine," I surrendered. "I keep having visions about the full moon tonight."

"It seems like the blue moon is really having an effect on you," Lewis said while rubbing his chin.

"Yeah, in one of my visions, it looked like a storm was happening around Mako. I think it's trying to tell me what will happen if I become moonstruck."

"Well you won't," Rikki said confidently.

"I don't know..." Cleo said with an unsure look.

"He'll be fine," Rikki assured.

"Will!" I heard Kaylie call. "Dad said some of the food is ready if you guys want some!"

"Alright!" I said excitedly. I turned to the gang. "You guys up for some grub?"

"Is that even a question?" Rikki laughed.

"Guess not," I smirked. We then made our way to the grill where my dad was flipping burgers. My dad saw us approaching and grinned.

"I knew you couldn't resist!" he laughed. "Grab a plate, there's plenty to go around."

Emma scrunched her face up. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I usually eat more healthy food," she shrugged.

"C'mon Emma! This is a barbecue! Time to let loose and have fun!" Rikki said.

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